Landscape record 0420802000 - STOWE DESIGNED LANDSCAPE (G120 and GD1105)
Protected Status/Designation
- Conservation Area: Stowe Conservation Area
- Planning Notification Area: Seventeenth to eighteenth century landscaped park and gardens at Stowe Park
- Registered Park or Garden (I) GD1105: Stowe
- SHINE: Stowe medieval to post medieval landscape garden, medieval deserted villages of Lamport & Boycott, shrunken village of Daford, also moats, manors and fishponds, ridge and furrow earthworks & cropmarks, and areas of ancient semi natural woodland
Type and Period (3)
- GARDEN (17th Century to 18th Century - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)
- LANDSCAPE PARK (18th Century - 1700 AD to 1799 AD)
- MILITARY TRAINING SITE (Modern - 1939 AD? to 1945 AD?)
Watching brief carried out by Oxford Archaeology during service trenching from October 2002 to April 2003 identified a number of 17th, 18th and 19th century landscape features including remains of paths (Trenches 1 and 5), footings of boundary or terrace walls (Trenches 1 and 2), earthworks of a former semi-circular terrace across the North Forecourt (Trench 3), and a late 19th century drain (Trench 1). See report for details (B26).
Evidence for use of lakes for boating in 18th century (B35).
Stowe gardens used for battle training by the Home Guard during the Second World War (B40).
1921 sales catalogue (B42).
Conservation Area designated on 18th July 1990. See summary (B52).
Brief account of visit to the gardens in late April or early May 1831 (B53).
Article suggesting that the early 18th century eastern extension of the gardens in the Elysian Fields, Hawkwell Field and the Grecian Valley may have been designed and laid out by James Gibbs in the late 1730s and 1740s (B56).
Article suggesting that the simplistic iconography of the early 18th century gardens was transformed by the adoption of a unifying theme from the 1730s, based on the judgement of Hercules choosing between vice and virtue, with the western gardens representing vice or sensual pleasure and the eastern gardens representing virue (B57).
Landscape Conservation Statement by Dr Sarah Rutherford, prepared following the proposal to build a new music school in Lady Temple's Spinney. The statement expands and updates the relevant sections of the 'Stowe Framework Conservation Plan' 1997-2001, and considers the environs of Lee's Bastion, at the west edge of the Western Garden alongside The Course, the main approach drive to Stowe Mansion and School. See report for further details (B61).
An extensive post-medieval landscape parkland is visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing data as earthworks and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Surrounding Stow House (now Stowe School) and centred at SP 67615 38598, in 1814 the parkland included large woodlands which by 1881 had been much reduced and the cleared land turned to agriculture. The parkland in 1814 covered an area about 9.5 square kilometres, extending from Luffield Abbey in the north to Buckingham town in the south.
A post-medieval gravel pit is visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing data as an earthwork and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Located in a field about 230 metres S of Home Farm and centred at SP 67006 37435, the subrectangular shaped pit is about 38 x 30 metres at its widest and covers about 1,067 square metres in area. The pit is visible as a very shallow earthwork but is not shown on the 1881 1st Edition OS map or on the 1814 Ordnance Surveyor’s Drawing, perhaps suggesting an 18th century or earlier origin.
Located at the north-east end of Grecian Valley in Stowe Landscape Gardens and centred at SP 67792 38031, a horseshoe shaped earthwork ‘bowl’ is about 131 metres in diameter, with the SW facing side open.
Located in Stowe Landscape Gardens parallel with Grecian Valley and centred at SP 67757 37886, Grotto Lake was a long thin lake about 170 x 11 metres, covering an area about 1,910 square metres. Visible as a lake on the 1814 Ordnance Surveyor Drawing, the lake is not shown on the 1881 dated 1st Edition OS map, with woodland standing in its place (64-68).
An extensive post-medieval landscape parkland is visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing data as earthworks and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Surrounding Stow House (now Stowe School) and centred at SP 67615 38598, in 1814 the parkland included large woodlands which by 1881 had been much reduced and the cleared land turned to agriculture. The parkland in 1814 covered an area about 9.5 square kilometres, extending from Luffield Abbey in the north to Buckingham town in the south. At least nine Second World War slit trenches are visible on historic aerial photographs as earthworks. Scattered across Stowe Landscape Park and centred at SP 67731 37621, five slit trenches were ‘W’ shaped and 2 trenches were ‘V’ trenches, with the remaining two being slightly curvilinear. The trenches are up to 2.5 metres wide. At least four remain visible as earthworks on aerial photographs taken in 2019 and recent remote sensing data (69-73).
Geophysical survey of c10ha of gardens south of the mansion by MOLA Northampton in March 2020 and March 2021 identified a number of 18th and 19th century garden features including a possible pond, pathways, ha-ha and tree-planting pits. See report for detail (B85).
Sources (27)
- ---SBC17422 Aerial Photograph: 04/09/76. BCM A2/11/20-22. SP\674376. Yes.
- <17>SBC4634 Bibliographic reference: English Heritage. 1994. REGISTER OF PARKS & GARDENS OF SPECIAL HISTORIC INTEREST IN ENGLAND: BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Part 4.
- <21>SBC20023 Unpublished document: English Heritage. 2001. Stowe Park, Stowe, Buckinghamshire: An Archaeological Survey by English Heritage (Survey Report).
- <26>SBC20898 Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology. 2003. New Cable Trenches, Stowe School, Stowe: Archaeological Watching Brief Report.
- <35>SBC22708 Article in serial: Kate Felus. 2006. 'Boats and Boating in the Designed Landscape, 1720-1820', in Journal of the Garden History Society, Summer 2006, pp22-46.. Vol 34, No. 1. pp26-30,39; Figs 4-6.
- <41>SBC22826 Unpublished document: Amanda Pickard. 2003. Stowe in the War. 6.
- <42>SBC22853 Unpublished document: 1921. Sales catalogue of 1921 auction of Stowe Estate.
- <52>SBC23753 Bibliographic reference: Aylesbury Vale District Council. 2008. Stowe Conservation Area Summary.
- <53>SBC23894 Bibliographic reference: John Claudius Loudon. 1990. In Search of English Gardens: The Travels of John Claudius Loudon and His Wife Jane. p57, illustrations pp54, 55 & 56.
- <56>SBC24065 Article in monograph: Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust. 2008. Gibbs and Gardening: The Work of the Eighteenth-Century Architect James Gibbs. pp7-12.
- <57>SBC24063 Article in monograph: Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust. 2007. Talking Heads: Garden Statuary in the Eighteenth Century. pp25-31.
- <59>SBC24191 Unpublished document: Network Archaeology. 2011. Stowe Golf Course: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment and Field Reconnaissance Survey.
- <60>SBC24192 Unpublished document: Network Archaeology. 2011. Stowe School Music School: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment and Field Reconnaissance Survey.
- <61>SBC24275 Unpublished document: Sarah Rutherford. 2011. New Music School Site: Lee's Bastion & Nelson's Walk - Historic Landscape Analysis & Conservation Statement.
- <63>SBC24371 Article in serial: John Phibbs. 2013. 'A List of Landscapes That Have Been Attributed to Lancelot 'Capability' Brown', in Garden History Vol 41 part 2 pp244-277. Vol 41, part 2. p269.
- <64>SBC25062 Digital archive: Environment Agency. Environment Agency LiDAR data.
- <65>SBC26096 Digital archive: BRITISH LIBRARY. 2023. Boyce. 1814. Ordnance Surveyor Drawing 2 inches to 1 mile (1:31,680) scale - Stony Stratford (OSD 229). Date Accessed 27-SEP-2022.
- <66>SBC25776 Map: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 25 inch (1:2500) scale map. Map. Buckinghamshire VIII.3 1881.
- <67>SBC25062 Digital archive: Environment Agency. Environment Agency LiDAR data. LIDAR SP63NE Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme DTM 1 Metre dated 2019 SP6737.
- <68>SBC26096 Digital archive: BRITISH LIBRARY. 2023. Boyce. 1814. Ordnance Surveyor Drawing 2 inches to 1 mile (1:31,680) scale - Stony Stratford (OSD 229). Date Accessed 27-SEP-2022.
- <69>SBC26087 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2023. RAF-CPE-UK-2097 RP 3171 28-MAY-1947.
- <70>SBC26085 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2023. RAF-106G-UK-1380 RP 3232 09-APR-1946.
- <71>SBC26086 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2023. RAF-CPE-UK-1792 RS 4184 11-OCT-1946.
- <72>SBC25062 Digital archive: Environment Agency. Environment Agency LiDAR data. LIDAR SP63NE Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme DTM 1 Metre dated 2019 SP6737.
- <73>SBC26106 Digital archive: BBC. 2022. Warden, D. 2003. Buckingham Home Guard- WW2 People’s War. Accessed Online 03-SEP-2022..
- <85>SBC26751 Unpublished document: MOLA Northampton. 2021. Archaeological Geophysical Survey at Stowe Landscape Gardens March 2020 to March 2021.
Grid reference | Centred SP 67516 37652 (3323m by 6959m) (2 map features) |
Civil Parish | LUFFIELD ABBEY, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Civil Parish | BIDDLESDEN, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Civil Parish | RADCLIVE-CUM-CHACKMORE, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Civil Parish | STOWE, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (136)
- Parent of: 2nd Duke's Obelisk, STOWE (Building) (0420802052)
- Parent of: Angler's Hut (Building) (0420802134)
- Parent of: Apollo and the Nine Muses, Octagon Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802085)
- Parent of: Atheletics Ground, Stowe School (Monument) (0420802131)
- Parent of: Avenue of Elm Trees, The Course, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802099)
- Parent of: Boat Houses, Octagon Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802064)
- Parent of: Boundary, S of Corinthian Arch, Stowe Avenue (Monument) (0420802113)
- Parent of: BOURBON TOWER, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802035)
- Parent of: BOYCOTT PAVILIONS, Oxford Drive, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802031)
- Parent of: Brick Chamber, Grecian Valley, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802054)
- Parent of: Bridgeman's Canal, North Lawn, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802104)
- Parent of: Bridgeman's Canal, South Lawn, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802070)
- Parent of: CASCADE, Eleven Acre Lake, Stowe Landscape Gradens (Building) (0420802065)
- Parent of: CASCADE, Octagon Lake, Stowe Landscape Gradens (Building) (0420802025)
- Parent of: Chinese House, Grotto Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802075)
- Parent of: Chinese House, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802044)
- Parent of: Closet, Home Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802067)
- Parent of: Cold Bath, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802061)
- Parent of: CONGREVE MONUMENT, Octagon Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802023)
- Parent of: Coniferous plantation, Grand Avenue, Stowe (Monument) (0420802130)
- Parent of: CORINTHIAN ARCH, Stowe Avenue, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802034)
- Parent of: Coucher's Obelisk, Home Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802079)
- Parent of: Dadford to Stowe House Trackway, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802095)
- Parent of: Dam at the southern end of Worthy River (Monument) (0420802133)
- Parent of: Deer Park Boundary, Stowe Designed Landscape (Monument) (0420809000)
- Parent of: Designed planting around the Conduit House, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802090)
- Parent of: Designed Plantings, Deer Park, Stowe (Monument) (0420802084)
- Parent of: DIDO'S CAVE, Home Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802029)
- Parent of: DOMED PAVILION, School Shop, Stowe School (Building) (0420802006)
- Parent of: DORIC ARCH, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802018)
- Parent of: Double tree avenue, Grand Avenue, Stowe (Monument) (0420802128)
- Parent of: Earthworks, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802076)
- Parent of: Earthworks, Grecian Valley, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802058)
- Parent of: Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens: stone arch (Monument) (0420802042)
- Parent of: Embankment of Eleven Acre lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802046)
- Parent of: Extension to Abele Walk, New Park, Stowe (Monument) (0420802121)
- Parent of: FANE OF PASTORAL POETRY, Grecian Valley, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802010)
- Parent of: Garden Plot, N of Corinthian Arch, New Park, Stowe (Monument) (0420802123)
- Parent of: George I Statue, Stowe School (Building) (0420802077)
- Parent of: GOTHIC TEMPLE, Hawkwell Field, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802016)
- Parent of: GOTHIC 'UMBRELLO', Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802003)
- Parent of: Gravel path, Eleven Acre Lake (Monument) (0998600000)
- Parent of: Gravel Pits, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420808000)
- Parent of: GRENVILLE COLUMN, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802013)
- Parent of: GROTTO, Grotto Lake, Stowe Landscape Garden (Building) (0420802015)
- Parent of: Guglio, Octagon Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802062)
- Parent of: Ha Ha, Grecian Valley, Stowe Landscape Gardens: gateway (Monument) (0420807001)
- Parent of: Ha Ha, Nelson's Walk, Stowe: gateway (Monument) (0420807004)
- Parent of: Ha Ha, Stowe Garden Boundary (Monument) (0420807000)
- Parent of: Ha Ha, Warden's Walk and near Park Lodge, Stowe (Monument) (0420807005)
- Parent of: Haymanger Pond, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802048)
- Parent of: HERMITAGE, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802026)
- Parent of: Heyway, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420806000)
- Parent of: Hollow, SE of Corinthian Arch, Stowe Avenue (Monument) (0420802108)
- Parent of: Home Farm Reservior, Stowe Designed Landscape (Monument) (0420802050)
- Parent of: Imperial Closet, Octagon Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802060)
- Parent of: Japanese Garden, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802059)
- Parent of: Kennels, Haymanger Pond, Stowe Designed Landscape (Monument) (0420802051)
- Parent of: Kings Pillar, SOUTH LAWN, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802039)
- Parent of: Kitchen Garden, South Lawn, STOWE (Monument) (0420802053)
- Parent of: Linear bank, The Course, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802101)
- Parent of: Linear earthwork, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802094)
- Parent of: LORD COBHAM'S COLUMN, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802011)
- Parent of: Mound, The Course, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802109)
- Parent of: N of Vancouver Walled Gardens, Deer Park, Stowe Designed Landscape (Monument) (0420802097)
- Parent of: NE of Dido' Cave, South Lawn, Stowe - shell middens (Monument) (0420802040)
- Parent of: Nelson's Seat, North Lawn, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802082)
- Parent of: Ornamental tree planting, SW of Home Farm, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802112)
- Parent of: OXFORD BRIDGE, Oxford Water, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802032)
- Parent of: OXFORD GATE, Oxford Dive, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802033)
- Parent of: PALLADIAN BRIDGE (Building) (0420802020)
- Parent of: Path, Grand Avenue, Stowe (Monument) (0420802129)
- Parent of: PEBBLE ALCOVE, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802022)
- Parent of: Pedestal, Grecian Valley, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802055)
- Parent of: Pedestal, Grecian Valley, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802056)
- Parent of: Planting around Bridgeman's canal, North Lawn, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802105)
- Parent of: Planting, North Front, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802106)
- Parent of: Pond E of Conduit House, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802091)
- Parent of: Pond, Bellgate Drive, New Inn Farm, Stowe (Monument) (0420802125)
- Parent of: Pond, N of Home Park Farm, Deer Park, Stowe (Monument) (0420802110)
- Parent of: Pond, N of Queen's Drive, New Park, Stowe (Monument) (0420802122)
- Parent of: Pyramid, STOWE LANDSCAPE GARDENS (Monument) (0420802036)
- Parent of: QUEEN CAROLINE'S MONUMENT, Home Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802030)
- Parent of: Queen's Temple, South Vista, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Find Spot) (0420802069)
- Parent of: QUEEN'S TEMPLE, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802002)
- Parent of: Root-House River, Northern Deer Park, Stowe Designed Landscape (Monument) (0420802001)
- Parent of: ROTUNDA, Home Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802028)
- Parent of: S of the western Boycott Pavillion, Stowe - artificial scarp (Monument) (0420802041)
- Parent of: SEASONS FOUNTAIN, Grotto Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802014)
- Parent of: SHELL BRIDGE and former site of Captain Cook's Monument, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802012)
- Parent of: South Lawn, Stowe (Monument) (0420802038)
- Parent of: St Augustine's Cave, Stowe School (Monument) (0420802080)
- Parent of: Statue of a Sleeping Shepherdess: Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (1409801000)
- Parent of: Statue of Sleeping Shepherd, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (1409701000)
- Parent of: Stone and brick culvert. (Monument) (0420802132)
- Parent of: STOWE CASTLE (Building) (1107300000)
- Parent of: Sunken path and mound, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802073)
- Parent of: SW of BOURBON TOWER (Monument) (0420802086)
- Parent of: TEMPLE OF ANCIENT VIRTUE, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802017)
- Parent of: Temple of Bacchus, Stowe School Chapel (Monument) (0420802081)
- Parent of: TEMPLE OF BRITISH WORTHIES, Elysian Fields (Building) (0420802019)
- Parent of: TEMPLE OF CONCORD & VICTORY, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802009)
- Parent of: TEMPLE OF FRIENDSHIP, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802021)
- Parent of: Temple of Modern Virtue, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802074)
- Parent of: Temple of Sleep, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802068)
- Parent of: TEMPLE OF VENUS, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802027)
- Parent of: THE LAKE PAVILIONS, STOWE (Building) (0420802024)
- Parent of: The Stone Yard, W of Stowe House (Monument) (0420802047)
- Parent of: Trackway, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802093)
- Parent of: Tree Avenue, Culley's Park Drive, S of New Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802115)
- Parent of: Tree Avenue, Queen's Drive, New Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802102)
- Parent of: Tree avenue, S of Ha Ha, Old Avenue Field, Stowe (Monument) (0420802124)
- Parent of: Tree Avenue, The Course, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802100)
- Parent of: Tree Mound and plantings, Culley's Park, S of New Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802119)
- Parent of: Tree mound, Oxford Water, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802116)
- Parent of: Tree planting ridges, Bellgate Drive, New Inn Farm, Stowe (Monument) (0420802126)
- Parent of: Tree planting ridges, N of Oxford Gates, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802114)
- Parent of: Tree planting ridges, W of Home Farm, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802111)
- Parent of: Tree Planting, SE of Conduit House, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802092)
- Parent of: Tree plantings and tree mound, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802096)
- Parent of: Tree plantings, Bellgate Drive, New Inn Farm, Stowe (Monument) (0420802127)
- Parent of: Tree plantings, Dadford-Buckingham Road, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802098)
- Parent of: Tree plantings, George's Piece, New Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802118)
- Parent of: Tree plantings, New Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802103)
- Parent of: Tree plantings, Oxford Avenue, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802117)
- Parent of: Upper Buckingham River Lake, New Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Monument) (0420802120)
- Parent of: Urn, CHAPEL COURT, Stowe School (Building) (0420802007)
- Parent of: Urn, Octagon Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802063)
- Parent of: Urn, Walpole Court, Stowe School (Building) (0420802008)
- Parent of: Vancouver Gardens Canal, Stowe Designed Landscape, Dadford (Monument) (0420802049)
- Parent of: Vancouver Walled Gardens, Dadford, Stowe Designed Landscape (Monument) (0420802083)
- Parent of: Walled Gardens, Athletic Ground, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802057)
- Parent of: Water Wheel, Eleven Acre Lake, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802066)
- Parent of: Witch House, Elysian Fields, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Find Spot) (0420802072)
- Parent of: WOLFE'S OBELISK, Deer Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens (Building) (0420802004)
- Part of: STOWE SCHOOL, STOWE PARK (Building) (0420801000)
Related Events/Activities (5)
- Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 7768) (EBC18304)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical survey (Ref: ENA 9607) (EBC18607)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief (EBC16247)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief (Ref: STSNC 02) (EBC16520)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief carrried out during the installation of new oil tank, associated service trench and car park areas (EBC16246)
Record last edited
Apr 22 2024 12:29PM