
Use this simple free-text search to find special content pages, blogs and database records from the Historic Environment Record.

Please enter a search term

Use the advanced search to search the database only using a more structured search by parish, period, specific type of monument or find, or combination of these.

You can choose whether a period search is entirely within a period or overlaps with other periods. This means that if you choose a period search that is entirely within the Roman period, your search will bring up records that are only Roman. If you choose an overlapping period search for Roman, your search will bring up records that are Iron Age and Roman, or Roman and Saxon. 

The Parish names used in the drop-down list are the Civil Parishes set at the 1974 local government reorganisation; if you can't find the historic or modern parish you are interested in on the list try picking a nearby parish as it may cover your area. The monument and find types use terms from the national heritage thesaurus.

Use the map to search for a specific location, parish, postcode or grid reference, or to explore a local area.