Landscape record 0216211000 - Eythrope Park (GD3176)
Protected Status/Designation
- Planning Notification Area: Late 19th century formal gardens and landscaped park at Eythrope (DBC9464)
- Registered Park or Garden (II) GD4055: Eythrope (DBC1095)
Type and Period (1)
- LANDSCAPE PARK (18th Century to 19th Century - 1700 AD to 1899 AD)
The late 19th century landscape park was created on top of an existing 18th century one. It was created by Alice de Rothschild, who bought the estate in 1875. She developed 30ha of ornamental gardens and a large kitchen garden, within the confines of the park, and had the pavilion built, which she used as a day retreat from her brother's house on the adjacent estate, Waddesdon Manor.
Three surviving parts of the earlier 18th century park are the bridge over the Thame, the Grotto, and the lake. The house associated with the earlier park was demolished in 1810-11 (B9).
Brief summary of historical development (B10).
Detailed Victorian account of the gardens at Eythrope (B11).
Rockwork feature, possibly undocumented Pulhamite work, survives at Eythrope (B13).
Watching brief carried out by AS&C in August and September 2008 during groundworks for creation of an orchard and extension to a pond adjacent to The Homestead, identified remains of late C19 or early C20 formal garden layout including a sunken garden, paths and steps to a terrace (daming the pond). See report for detail (B14).
Pulhamite work installed at an unknown date for Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild (B16).
Sources (8)
- ---SBC20707 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2001. 2001 oblique AP by Mike Farley. SP77901375. Yes.
- ---SBC20708 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2001. 2001 oblique AP by Mike Farley. SP77701390. Yes.
- <9>XYSBC19267 Bibliographic reference: English Heritage. 1999. Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. 4. GD 3176. [Mapped feature: #31133 ]
- <10>SBC20263 Unpublished document: Colson Stone Partnership. 1992. Waddesdon Parkland Restoration Plan. Section IV, Fig 9,20,21.
- <11>SBC22757 Article in serial: Lewis Castle. 1890. 'Eythrope', in the Jornal of Horticulticulture, 26 June 1890, p530; reproduced in The Bucks Gardener, Spring 2006 pp4-8.
- <13>SBC23092 Bibliographic reference: English Heritage. 2008. Durability Guaranteed: Pulhamite Rockwork - its Conservation and Repair. p33.
- <14>SBC23225 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2008. Watching Brief: The Homestead, Eythrope Park, Waddesdon.
- <16>SBC25073 Bibliographic reference: Claude Hitching. 2012. Rock Landscapes: The Pulham Legacy. p315.
Grid reference | Centred SP 76667 14217 (3050m by 1943m) |
Civil Parish | WADDESDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (14)
- Parent of: BRIDGE 40M TO S.E. OF BRIDGE LODGE (Building) (0216208000)
- Parent of: BRIDGE LODGE (Building) (0216207000)
- Parent of: Eythrope Park (Building) (0216213000)
- Parent of: Eythrope Park (Building) (0216214000)
- Parent of: Eythrope Park (Monument) (0216211001)
- Parent of: Eythrope Park (Monument) (0216211002)
- Parent of: Eythrope Park (Monument) (0216211003)
- Parent of: EYTHROPE PAVILION (Building) (0216204000)
- Parent of: EYTHROPE YARD INCLUDES FLATS 1-6 (Building) (0216206000)
- Parent of: GROTTO, EYTHROPE PAVILION (Building) (0216205000)
- Parent of: THE HOMESTEAD (Building) (0216209000)
- Parent of: The Wilderness Lodge (Eythrope Park Lodge) (Building) (0216212000)
- Parent of: WEIR LODGE (Building) (0216210000)
- Part of: EYTHROPE MANOR (Monument) (0216200000)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief (Ref: 1089 ETH) (EBC17143)
Record last edited
Mar 23 2021 11:06PM