Record Search
Monument: 0032400000 ASTON SANDFORD MANOR (Monument)Historical records of medieval to post-medieval manor
Find Spot: 0102101000 ASYLUM GROUNDS,STONE (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found in hospital grounds
Monument: 0495100000 AT S END OF BURCOTT (Monument)Site of post-medieval farmstead recorded on eighteenth century maps and possible house platforms visible as earthworks and recorded in geophysical survey.
Find Spot: 0102100000 ASYLUM GROUNDS,STONE (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found in the early twentieth century
Building: 0461100000 AT GATE COTTAGE, HORSENDEN (Building)Eighteenth to nineteenth century timber-framed dovecote, with twentieth century renovation.
Find Spot: 0069000000 ASYLUM BURYING GROUND,STONE (Find Spot)Roman quern fragment found in the early twentieth century
Monument: 0207500000 AT BRICKHILL (Monument)Possible Bronze Age cemetery found in parish
Monument: 0854100000 Aston Sandford village (Monument)Medieval and post-medieval hamlet of Aston Sandford
Find Spot: 0207501000 AT BRICKHILL (Find Spot)Bronze Age metalwork found in parish
Building: 1102100000 ATHAWES FARMHOUSE, 15 NEARTON END (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed farmhouse with nineteenth century alterations and extension