Record Search
Monument: MBC44896 An alignment of three possible medieval charcoal burning platforms, Silverstone Golf Club (Monument)An alignment of three possible medieval charcoal burning platforms are visible on historic aerial photographs as cropmarks and were mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304).
Monument: 0645000000 Ancient ford (Monument)Site of ancient ford
Building: 1255600000 ANDLOWS FARMHOUSE, PRESTWOOD (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed farmhouse at Andlow's Farm, with eighteenth century alterations
Building: 1034500000 ANCHOR BARN, 12A CHURCH END (Building)Seventeenth and eighteenth century thatched witchert barn, now a house
Building: 1301006000 ANDERDONS FARMHOUSE, LONGWICK (Building)Eighteenth century farmhouse at Anderdons Farm, with nineteenth century alterations.
Monument: MBC43480 An Iron Age or Roman rectilinear ditched enclosure (Monument)An Iron Age or Roman rectilinear ditched enclosure is visible on historic aerial photographs as cropmarks and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304).
Building: 1301007000 ANDERDONS FARM COTTAGE, LONGWICK (Building)Early sixteenth century cruck-built timber-framed house with eighteenth century alterations.
Monument: MBC43494 An extensive system of medieval boundary ditches, sinuous hollow ways or trackways (Monument)An extensive system of medieval boundary ditches, sinuous hollow ways or trackways are visible on historic aerial photographs as earthworks and were mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304).
Building: 1108600000 ANCIENT LIGHTS & HARBOUR LIGHTS (Building)Pair of eighteenth century thatched houses.
Building: 1467300000 Andover House - Main Street (Building)Single house built in the 19th Century.