Record Search
Find Spot: 0592200000 A421,BOURTON GROUNDS (Find Spot)Prehistoric pottery and flints and Roman and medieval pottery found in excavation
Find Spot: 0550800000 'ABBEY BARN' FIELD (Find Spot)Sixteenth to seventeenth century figurine found in metal-detecting survey
Building: 0185510000 ABBEY FARMHOUSE (Building)Early fifteenth century and earlier medieval gatehouse to Missenden Abbey, reused as a farmhouse from the sixteenth century.
Monument: 0579001003 A422 ROAD,TURWESTON (Monument)Nineteenth century road bridge over railway, now filled in, recorded in field survey
Monument: 0585500009 ABBEY BARN LANE (Monument)Nineteenth century bridge over railway on Abbey Barn Lane
Find Spot: 0216704001 A421,BOURTON GROUNDS (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found in metal-detecting survey
Building: 1317800000 ABBEY BARN FARMHOUSE (Building)Seventeenth or eighteenth century farmhouse at Abbey Barn Farm.
Building: 1105300000 ABBEY FARMHOUSE (Building)Eighteenth century farmhouse at Abbey Farm, altered in the nineteenth century.
Monument: 0052216000 Abbess Park (Monument)Unlocated medieval deerpark, known as Abbess Park, possibly mentioned in 1266 and disparked in about 1575.
Building: 1004100000 ABBEY COTTAGE, SINGLEBOROUGH (Building)Early eighteenth century timber-framed thatched house with later alterations.