Record Search
Find Spot: 0661100000 Between Quarrendon DMV (Find Spot)Undated metalwork found in metal-detecting survey
Building: 1245490100 BEVERLEY HOUSE, 132 HIGH STREET (Building)Eighteenth century house on the High Street
Monument: 0464702000 BETWEEN OAKLEY & CHILTON ROADS (Monument)House platform seen in field survey marked on nineteenth century map as a house
Building: 1010700000 BEVERLEY COTTAGE, 34 WESTBROOK END (Building)Fifteenth century cruck-built timber-framed thatched house built in about 1492, with seventeenth century and later extensions and alterations
Monument: 0464700000 BETWEEN OAKLEY & CHILTON ROADS (Monument)Site of medieval or post-medieval farmstead surviving as earthworks and ruined building.
Monument: 0492002000 BETWEEN RECTORY AND CHURCH, MAIDS MORETON (Monument)Seventeenth or eighteenth century cobbled surface or path found during evaluation trial trenching.
Monument: 0565700000 BEVERLEY, LEY HILL (Monument)Late medieval or early post-medieval tile kiln found while digging a drainage trench and confirmed by evaluation trial trenching.
Monument: 0464701000 BETWEEN OAKLEY & CHILTON ROADS (Monument)Ruins of post-medieval stone house seen in field survey
Monument: 0234400000 BETWEEN WEEDON HILL/BIERTON (Monument)Possible medieval moat or enclosure seen on aerial photographs and in field survey
Monument: 0737900000 Bhutto Memorial (Monument)Olive tree planted at Chequers to commemorate death of Benazir Bhutto.