Record Search
Monument: 0218200000 BENTHAMS MANOR (Monument)Historical records of medieval and post-medieval manor
Building: 1224803000 BERKELEY COTTAGE (Building)Early nineteenth century house called Berkeley Cottage
Monument: 0578901004 BENT HILL FARM (Monument)Nineteenth century bridge
Monument: 0708900000 Berghers Hill (Monument)Post-medieval to modern hamlet of Berghers Hill
Building: 1043600000 BERRY COTTAGE, 15 TOWNSEND (Building)Fifteenth century thatched timber-framed and witchert hall house, altered in the seventeenth century.
Building: 1078700000 BENNETT'S FARMHOUSE, MAIN STREET (Building)Seventeenth to eighteenth century farmhouse at Bennett's Farm
Monument: 0845600000 Berber Business Centre, Kitchener Road (Monument)Former furniture factory built 1909
Building: 1164900000 BERNWODE HOUSE (Building)Late eighteenth century house built about 1770-1780, with early nineteenth century extension.
Building: 1241900000 BENTON POTTS (Building)Benton Potts, seventeenth century timber-framed house
Building: 0859600000 Bernard Hall, Cuddington (Building)Cuddington Village Hall, used during the Second World War for various military and civil functions.