Record Search
Building: 1154700000 15 & 19 THE STRAND (Building)Two seventeenth and early eighteenth century timber-framed thatched houses with later alterations and extension
Building: 1287900000 1-5 CHURCH COTTAGES (Building)Row of five seventeenth century timber-framed, eighteenth and nineteenth century houses, partly reusing an earlier timber cruck frame
Building: 1486800000 15 Church Street, Quainton (Building)Large Edwardian status house built in 1901 and which retains many of its original features including open gabled porch.
Building: 1137700000 15 AYLESBURY ROAD (Building)Late eighteenth century house
Building: 1224600000 1-5 CHURCH ROW, FULMER (Building)Row of late eighteenth or early nineteenth century cottages on Church Row
Building: 1237402000 15 AYLESBURY END (Building)Seventeenth century house at Aylesbury End, refronted in the eighteenth century
Building: 1383400000 15 Church End, Haddenham (Building)Eighteenth century former ancillary building, now a house.
Find Spot: 0059600000 15 & 17 WESTFIELD, BUCK'HAM (Find Spot)Medieval and post-medieval pottery and clay pipe fragments found in gardens
Find Spot: 0066900000 15 BELLE VUE,STONE (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found in garden
Building: 1180603000 15 CHURCH STREET (Building)Seventeenth century or earlier formerly timber-framed house with later alterations