Record Search
Building: 1246206000 12 NORWOODS COURT (Building)Late seventeenth century house in Norwoods Court
Building: 0414901000 12 TEMPLE SQUARE (Building)Eighteenth century front to earlier, possibly seventeenth century timber-framed house
Building: 1043400000 12 TOWNSEND (Building)Seventeenth century witchert house with eighteenth century alterations and late nineteenth century rear extensions
Building: 1390300000 12 Rudd's Lane, Haddenham (Building)Seventeenth or eighteenth century cottage
Building: 1245590400 12 TO 16 MARKET SQUARE (Building)Eighteenth century house in Market Square refronted in the nineteenth century and used as an inn and later as shops
Building: 1204204000 12 RICKFORD'S HILL (Building)Possible sixteenth or seventeenth century timber-framed house, refronted in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Building: 1211003000 12 THE BROADWAY (LLOYDS BANK) (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house at Wycombe End, now in use as a bank
Building: 1393300000 1-2 Townsend, Haddenham (Building)19th century, two storey semi-detached cottages.
Building: 1391900000 12 Stockwell, Haddenham (Building)Two storey witchert building, which is shown on early 19th century maps of village.
Building: 1212602000 12 TO 20 SHEPHERDS LANE, BEACONSFIELD (Building)Row of eighteenth century houses on Shepherd's Lane