Record Search
Building: 0748100000 Battlefield Cross for Lt. J.H.Moriarty (Building)Original battlefield cross for Lt. J.H.Moriarty at St. James the Lesser, Dorney
Building: 0002301000 BAYLIN'S FARM, KNOTTY GREEN (Building)Fifteenth century timber-framed hall house with later alterations and extensions known as Baylins Farm
Find Spot: 0166502001 BAYTREE COTTAGE GARDEN (Find Spot)Thirteenth century pottery found in excavation
Monument: 0002502000 BATT HALL, SPRIGG'S ALLEY (Monument)Possible Roman mosaic floor found during internal works to house.
Building: 1513100000 Bay Trees (Building)Seventeenth or eighteenth century timber-framed house with nineteenth and twentieth alterations and extensions
Find Spot: 0166500001 BAYTREE COTTAGE GARDEN (Find Spot)Seventeenth century pottery flagon found in excavation
Monument: 0567600000 BAUGHAN'S,WELL STREET (Monument)Possibly Saxon or medieval human bones found in nineteenth century building works.
Building: 1122300000 BAYTREE COTTAGE (THE HAVEN) (Building)Eighteenth century thatched house.
Building: 1026600000 BAY & PROSPECT COTTAGES, LOWER CHURCH STREET (Building)Pair of eighteenth century witchert houses
Monument: 0166500000 BAYTREE COTTAGE GARDEN (Monument)Seventeenth century house foundations recorded in excavation