Record Search
Building: 1306200000 BARLEY COTTAGE, FRIETH (Building)Mid eighteenth century house with earlier wing at rear and with later alterations and extensions
Building: 1486500000 Barley End, Albury Lane (Building)Late sixteenth and seventeenth century timber-framed farmhouse, extended in 1902 by architects Smith and Brewer and further extended by 1925.
Building: 1247600000 BARKERS, WHITE LION ROAD (Building)Early seventeenth century or earlier timber-framed house called Barkers with later alterations and extensions
Building: 1306201000 BARLEY COTTAGE, FRIETH (Building)Eighteenth century garden wall to Barley Cottage built in 1753, with attached nineteenth century barn, now a house and garage
Find Spot: 0537500000 BARLEY END/DUNCOMBE FARM (Find Spot)Roman pottery, tile and quern fragments and medieval to post-medieval finds recorded on the ground surface
Landscape: 1306203000 Barley Cottage, Frieth (Landscape)Garden mentioned in nineteenth century records
Monument: 0174300100 BARLEY END MANOR (Monument)Historical records of medieval to post-medieval manor of Barley End.
Building: 1341600000 Barley Close Cottage, 5 School Lane (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed thatched cottage known as Barley Close Cottage.
Monument: 0174300001 BARLEY END (Monument)Sixteenth century record of dovecote
Monument: 0116500000 BARMOOR (Monument)Thirteenth to nineteenth century records of manor of Barmoor