Record Search
Building: 1268800000 ASHWELL COURT (Building)Timber-framed house built about 1906, apparently reusing an imported late medieval French manor house.
Building: 1251100000 ASHWELL'S FARMHOUSE, CHESHAM LANE (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed farmhouse at Ashwell's Farm.
Building: 1340800000 Askett Green, Crowbrook Road (Building)Mid 20th century architect-designed house
Monument: 0016500000 ASHWELLS (Monument)Thirteenth to seventeenth century records of Ashwell's Manor
Monument: 0704500000 Askett (Monument)Post-medieval to modern hamlet of Askett
Place: 0260600000 ASTON ABBOTTS PARISH (Place)General background information about Aston Abbots parish
Building: 1268700000 ASHWELL'S FARMHOUSE (Building)Fifteenth century timber-framed hall house with later extensions and alterations
Landscape: 0649100000 Askett Gardens (Landscape)Nineteenth century gardens recorded on historic maps
Building: 1251101000 ASHWELL'S BARN, CHESHAM LANE (Building)Seventeenth to eighteenth century timber-framed barn at Ashwell's Farm, now converted to a house.
Building: 1301207000 ASKETT FARMHOUSE, ASKETT (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed thatched farmhouse at Askett Farm.