Record Search
Building: 1245522000 APRIL COTTAGE, 149 & 151 HIGH STREET (Building)Pair of seventeenth century houses on Amersham High Street
Monument: 0039100000 APSLEY (Monument)Historical records of medieval and post-medieval manor of Apsley
Find Spot: 0671600000 Approx 900m SW of Bourton Grounds Farm (Find Spot)Roman pottery found by chance
Building: 0516201000 APRIL COTTAGE, ELM ROAD (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house with front refaced in the eighteenth and nineteenth century
Monument: 0039101000 APSLEY MANOR FARM (Monument)Medieval moat recorded in field survey
Monument: 0664300000 Approx 550m N of Barnett House (Monument)Cropmarks of ditched enclosures of unknown date and possible Iron Age square barrow recorded by aerial photography
Building: 1376000000 April Cottage, Arnott's Yard, Long Crendon (Building)19th century (possibly earlier) witchert building.
Building: 1245611000 APSLEY HOUSE, 28 HIGH STREET (Building)Late seventeenth century house known as Apsley House, refronted in the late eighteenth century
Find Spot: 0222700000 Approx 900m WSW of Bourton Grounds Farm (Find Spot)Small scatter of Roman pottery found during fieldwalking
Find Spot: 0516200000 APRIL COTTAGE, ELM ROAD: Penn tile finds (Find Spot)Decorated medieval floor tile wasters found in garden on Elm Road