Record Search
Building: 1087500000 ABEL'S COTTAGE, 43 HIGH STREET (Building)Late medieval, seventeenth and eighteenth century timber-framed cruck-built thatched house.
Find Spot: 0089000000 ABOVE FINGEST HOUSE (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found in trenching
Monument: 0120201000 ABEFELD MANOR? (Monument)Possible location of medieval manor house
Monument: 0042700000 ABOUT 350YDS N OF CHURCH (Monument)Earthworks of medieval moat, recorded in field survey
Building: 0175112000 ABBOT'S PLACE & HERONS COTTAGE (Building)Early twentieth century stable block, now in use as houses
Find Spot: 0094000001 ABOUT 1/2 MILE S OF VILLAGE (Find Spot)Fragment of medieval window-glass found.
Monument: 0029600000 ABOVE WHITELEAF CROSS (Monument)Neolithic kidney-shaped barrow recorded in excavation, field and geophysical survey
Monument: 0097600000 ABBOT'S MANOR (Monument)Historical records of medieval to post-medieval manor of Abbot's Manor, Princes Risborough.
Landscape: 0649300000 Abney House, Bourne End (Landscape)Nineteenth century gardens and lawns, now mostly destroyed
Monument: 0406900000 ABOVE SCOTSGROVE WATERMILL (Monument)Eighteenth century records of windmill