Record Search
Monument: 0141400000 400M SW HADDENHAM STATION (Monument)Possible enclosure of unknown date seen on aerial photographs
Find Spot: 0458400000 400M.SW.OF CUDSDEN'S FARM (Find Spot)Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flakes and scraper found in fieldwalking survey at Cudsden's Farm
Building: 0087102000 40M SOUTH OF COLSTROPE FARMHOUSE (Building)Eighteenth century timber-framed barn and adjoining stable at Colstrope Farm
Find Spot: 0228200000 400M WNW OF ST MARY'S (Find Spot)Roman, medieval and Iron Age or saxon pottery found in field-walking survey
Building: 0113500000 40-54 CHURCH STREET, QUAINTON (Building)Row of eight late seventeenth century almshouses dated 1687
Monument: 0519900000 400M SW OF HOME FARM (Monument)Two possible Neolithic to Bronze Age ring-ditches recorded in aerial photography
Building: 1121300000 40-44 QUEEN CATHERINE ROAD, STEEPLE CLAYDON (Building)Pair of fifteenth century cruck-built timber-framed thatched houses, with later alterations and now divided into 3 houses.
Find Spot: 0229200000 400M SW OF FOLLY FARM (Find Spot)Roman pottery and tile found in spoil from field ditch
Building: 1143200000 40-42 SOUTH STREET (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house, now divided into two houses
Building: 1303408000 41 & 41A HIGH STREET (Building)Eighteenth century house, from 1912 to 1991 Marlow's Post Office.