Record Search
Find Spot: 0235401002 400M E OF OVING HOUSE (Find Spot)Neolithic or Bronze Age flints found on surface
Find Spot: 0599200002 400M E ROSE FARM, LONGWICK (Find Spot)Two fragments of Roman Samian found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0235400000 400M E OF OVING HOUSE (Find Spot)Neolithic or Bronze Age flints found on surface
Find Spot: 0599201000 400M E ROSE FARM, LONGWICK (Find Spot)Medieval to post-medieval pottery found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0599202000 400M E ROSE FARM, LONGWICK (Find Spot)Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flakes and a scraper found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0235401000 400M E OF OVING HOUSE (Find Spot)Two sets of Neolithic or Bronze Age flints found on surface
Monument: 0599200000 400M E ROSE FARM, LONGWICK (Monument)Scatter of Neolithic to Bronze Age flints, Iron Age, Roman, medieval and post-medieval pottery found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0613100001 400M ENE OF GRANGE FARM (Find Spot)Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age flint flakes and scrapers found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0235401001 400M E OF OVING HOUSE (Find Spot)Neolithic or Bronze Age flints found on the surface
Find Spot: 0599200001 400M E ROSE FARM, LONGWICK (Find Spot)Roman pottery and mortarium sherds found in fieldwalking survey