Monument record 0040700000 - CHURCH FARM, QUARRENDON


Medieval moat recorded in field surveys and surviving as earthworks.

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Earthwork complex of Medieval deserted village, church and manor and Tudor mansion and gardens (DBC9396)
  • SHINE: Quarrendon deserted medieval village, manor, Tudor garden earthworks and Weedon Hill Roman settlement (DBC7583)


Type and Period (3)

  • MOAT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • BOUNDARY BANK (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • PIT (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)


Dimensions - Length 95m, Width 70m.
Plan Form - Rectangular.
Moat encloses Church Farm on 3 sides (B1-2).
Arms c.12m wide. Parts of N & W arms waterfilled, rest dry. E arm mostly destroyed. An outer bank 20m wide skirts N arm (B6).
Detailed earthwork survey of whole Quarrendon DMV site (B7).
Photos (B9).
Further site visit 2000 photos (B10).
Test pitting carried out in January 2009 by Northamptonshire Archaeology to determine the nature and extent of modern disturbance and dumping on the moat. Demolition debris, levelling layers, a cobbled yard surface and brick drain associated with the former farm buildings were recorded, although no building foundations were found. Evidence for a possible former bridge crossing the western arm of the moat was also identified. See report for detail (B12).

A medieval moat is visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing data as earthworks and was mapped as part of the Aylesbury Vale Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18604). Located in fields E of Berryfields and centred at SP 80336 15811, a slightly trapezoidal ditch that varies between 6 and 12 metres wide encloses an internal area about 86.5 metres WNW-ESE and 67 metres NNE-SSW. There are roughly 9 metres wide gaps in both the WNW and ESE facing sides of the moat ditch to act as entrances. On the NNE facing exterior side of the moat ditch is a linear earthwork bank about 94 x 19 metres, in which is a small circular pit about 2 metres in diameter. Whether this bank is contemporary with the moat is unclear, as is the function of the pit. Similarly, a smaller bank about 30 x 8 metres flanks part of the outside of the WNW facing ditch (14).

Sources (23)

  • ---SBC17794 Aerial Photograph: 25/07/48. CUC BV 89. SP\802157. Yes.
  • ---SBC17816 Aerial Photograph: 09/04/49. CUC CA 81-82. SP\801158. Yes.
  • ---SBC17846 Aerial Photograph: 06/09/80. CUC CNH 40. SP\801159. Yes.
  • ---SBC17897 Aerial Photograph: 27/04/54. CUC NY 73. SP\806157. Yes.
  • ---SBC18426 Aerial Photograph: 06/02/85. NMR SP8015/54-55. SP\805158. Yes.
  • ---SBC21044 Aerial Photograph: Mike Farley (BCM). 1998. 1998 Mike Farley oblique AP. SP80561578. Yes.
  • ---SBC24871 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2012. Oblique colour aerial photo taken on 25th February 2012. SP80411578. Yes.
  • ---SBC24872 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2012. Oblique colour aerial photo taken on 25th February 2012. SP80561577. Yes.
  • ---SBC24873 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2012. Oblique colour aerial photo taken on 25th February 2012. SP80091575. Yes.
  • <1>SBC20466 Bibliographic reference: Royal Commision on Historical Monuments. 1912. Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire. Volume 1. p273.
  • <2>SBC20463 Bibliographic reference: William Page (ed). 1927. A History of Buckinghamshire (Victoria County History) Volume IV. Volume 4. p100.
  • <3>SBC5756 Bibliographic reference: GOWING C N & FARLEY M E SEPT 1973 FIELD VISIT.
  • <4>SBC5228 Bibliographic reference: FENLEY MRS P (SEE LETTER FILED).
  • <6>SBC10939 Bibliographic reference: OS RECORD CARD SP81 NW15,OCT 1973.
  • <7>SBC13167 Graphic material: RCHM€. 1990. Detailed topographic earthwork survey (COPY FILED).
  • <8>SBC4743 Verbal communication: CLARK T & FARLEY M (1997) PERS COMM. ENTRY FORM NO 2308. NOTES A.
  • <9>SBC11560 Bibliographic reference: PARKHOUSE J (BCM) FEB 1996 SITE VISIT (PHOTOS, FILED).
  • <10>SBC19289 Photograph: Kidd S & Wise J. 2000. Quarrendon DMV SAM site visit 2000.
  • <11>SBC19293 Verbal communication: Tom Clark. 1998. Clark T to Parkhouse J.
  • <12>SBC23514 Unpublished document: Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2009. Archaeological Test Pit Evaluation and Watching Brief at Quarrendon Leas, Aylesbury.
  • <13>SBC25937 Unpublished document: Michael Farley Archaeology. 1999. Quarrendon: A Preliminary Study of its Archaeology and Management.
  • <14>SBC25062 Digital archive: Environment Agency. Environment Agency LiDAR data. LIDAR SP81NW Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme DTM 1 Metre dated 2021 SP8015.


Grid reference Centred SP 8022 1587 (210m by 130m)
Civil Parish QUARRENDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

Related Events/Activities (6)

  • Event - Survey: (EBC14179)
  • Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 9179) (EBC18604)
  • Event - Survey: Detailed earthwork survey (EBC15854)
  • Event - Intervention: Metal detecting (EBC15814)
  • Event - Survey: Site visit 2000 (EBC15811)
  • Event - Intervention: Test pitting and watching brief (EBC17259)

Record last edited

Jan 30 2025 1:56PM

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