Getting permission

If you want to do any work on private land, whether it is non-intrusive like field-walking or geophysical survey, or intrusive like test-pitting, metal-detecting or excavation, you must get the permission of the landowner, otherwise you are trespassing.


All artefacts are the property of the landowner unless he or she specifically passes these on to you. It is usual to have a written agreement with the landowner as to who will keep the archive, including all the artefacts, and whether these will be passed on to the local museum or record office.


If you find it difficult to find out the owner of a field where you want to work, it is usually easiest to talk to local people. They are most likely to know who the owner is.


When considering archaeological investigation in Buckinghamshire you are strongly advised to consult the County Archaeologist. He will be able to offer advice and will wish to agree a project design.

Further reading


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