Record Search
Building: 1152700000 16 THE GREEN (Building)Late eighteenth century house with later alterations and extensions
Building: 1523400000 16 Vicarage Lane (Building)Nineteenth century house, possibly a weaver's house
Building: 1379100000 1-6, The Old Stable Yard, Horn Street, Winslow (Building)19th century stable yard, now converted into small residential units.
Building: 1456200000 16 The White House - East Common (Building)Single house built in 1908
Building: 1523000000 16 Wellcroft (Building)Nineteenth century house in Wellcroft
Building: 1444100000 16 The Gables - Fulmer Way (Building)Single House designed in 1911.
Building: 1393900000 16 Townsend, Haddenham (Building)Two storey rendered witchert building attached to no. 15, visible on 19th century maps of village.
Building: 1487200000 16, 18, 20 & 22 Church Street, Quainton (Building)Short row of buildings dated 1908 which retain much of their original character.
Building: 1244904000 16 TO 22 BROADWAY (Building)Row of sixteenth century timber-framed houses with twentieth century shop fronts
Building: 1425700000 16, 17 and 18 Fawley Green (Building)Row of three late nineteenth century estate cottages, built in 1885.