Record Search
Monument: 0166503000 BAYTREE COTTAGE GARDEN (Monument)Seventeenth century trackway recorded in excavation
Find Spot: 0062401001 BAYTREE COTTAGE, BACK LANE (Find Spot)Saxon pottery urn found in stream in the early twentieth century
Monument: 0166501000 BAYTREE COTTAGE GARDEN (Monument)Remains of medieval house found in excavation
Monument: 0062401000 BAYTREE COTTAGE, BACK LANE (Monument)Possible Saxon cremation suggested by find of pottery urn in early twentieth century
Monument: 0166504000 BAYTREE COTTAGE GARDEN (Monument)Seventeenth century wall and hearth recorded in excavation
Building: 1009200000 BAYTREE COTTAGE, 11 BLETCHLEY ROAD (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed thatched house with twentieth century extensions
Find Spot: 0166501001 BAYTREE HOUSE GARDEN (Find Spot)Medieval bowl found during excavation.
Monument: 0166502000 BAYTREE COTTAGE GARDEN (Monument)Two medieval and one seventeenth century pit found in excavation
Monument: 0062400000 BAYTREE COTTAGE, BACK LANE (Monument)Possible Saxon cremation and inhumation cemetery found in the early twentieth century
Find Spot: 0166510000 BAYTREE HOUSE GARDEN (Find Spot)Possible Palaeolithic handaxe found in excavation