Record Search
Place: 0261100000 BARTON HARTSHORN (Place)General background information about Barton Hartshorn parish.
Monument: 0491400000 BARTON MANOR (Monument)Historical records of medieval manor
Building: 1395500000 Barton Farm, 49 Townside (Building)Possible seventeenth or eighteenth century thatched house at Barton Farm.
Landscape: 0491402000 Barton Hartshorn Manor (Landscape)Early twentieth century Arts and Craft-style formal gardens and park at Barton Hartshorn Manor.
Monument: 0054500100 'BARTONS MANOR', THORNBOROUGH (Monument)Historical records of medieval manor of 'Bartons' in Thornborough.
Monument: 0986200000 Barton Hartshorn Fen (Monument)Marshy area noted in 1974, re-examined 1996
Find Spot: 0541300000 BARTON WOOD (Find Spot)Early medieval bell found in the nineteenth century
Building: 1105000000 BARTON GROUNDS FARMHOUSE (Building)Eighteenth century farmhouse at Barton Grounds Farm.
Monument: 0854300000 Barton Hartshorn village (Monument)Medieval and post-medieval settlement of Barton Hartshorn, recorded in Domesday Book
Monument: 0861300000 Base of Risborough Cop (Monument)Chalk pit shown on 19th century and modern maps.