Record Search
Building: 1128800000 BAILIFF'S HOUSE (Building)Eighteenth century house
Building: 1302502000 BAKERS COTTAGE, WHITELEAF (Building)Sixteenth century timber-framed thatched house with eighteenth and twentieth century extensions.
Building: 1308100000 BAGMOOR (Building)Late eighteenth century house
Building: 1291505000 BAKEHOUSE FARMHOUSE (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed farmhouse at Bakehouse Farm, with later alterations and extensions
Building: 1396800000 Ballams, Middle Claydon (Building)Ballams is a substantial 19th century red brick property.
Monument: 0894900000 BAILEY HILL (Monument)Site of former quarry shown on nineteenth century maps at Bailey Hill
Building: 1083500000 BAKERS CLOSE, 43 BICESTER ROAD (Building)Eighteenth century house.
Find Spot: 0107000000 BALLAST HOLE,SWANBOURNE STN (Find Spot)Roman pottery found on the ground surface
Building: 1057200000 BAILEY'S FARMHOUSE (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed farmhouse at Bailey's Farm, now two houses.
Building: 1151500000 BAKER'S COTTAGE, 32 CHURCH STREET (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house with attached bread oven and twentieth century alterations and extension