Record Search
Building: 1308500000 ARIZONA FARMHOUSE (Building)Early to mid-eighteenth century farmhouse with later alterations and extensions, at Arizona Farm.
Find Spot: 0180000001 ARNGROVE FIRS glass find (Find Spot)Large glass vase found by road-menders in association with 3 burials
Find Spot: 0439100004 ARETE ABOVE VELVET LAWN (Find Spot)Late Bronze Age metalwork found in metal-detecting survey
Find Spot: 0180000000 ARNGROVE FIRS cemetery (Find Spot)Undated human remains found in ground-works in the nineteenth century
Find Spot: 0411700002 AROUND BURNSIDE (Find Spot)Two Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flakes found on the ground surface
Monument: 0043003000 Arngove, Cowhouse and Frith Fields, BOARSTALL (Monument)Historical records of fifteenth century open fields, closed by the seventeenth century
Find Spot: 0411700001 AROUND BURNSIDE (Find Spot)Saxon, medieval and post-medieval pottery found in allotment
Find Spot: 0439100001 ARETE ABOVE VELVET LAWN (Find Spot)Late Bronze Age metalwork found in metal-detecting survey
Find Spot: 0180000002 ARNGROVE FIRS (Find Spot)Stone axe found in association with 3 burials and a large glass jar in 1850
Monument: 0411700000 AROUND BURNSIDE (Monument)Possible medieval hollow-way recorded in site visits