Record Search
Building: 1538300000 Appletree Cottage, Upper Hartwell (Building)Eighteenth century thatched house
Find Spot: 0670200000 Approx 350m NE of Castle Fields Farm (Find Spot)Medieval pottery and coins found whilst metal detecting
Monument: 0690601000 Approach guides for Little Horwood Airfield (Monument)World War II approach guides for Little Horwood airfield
Find Spot: 0671300000 Approx 40NE of NE end of Highlands Road (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found during construction of housing estate
Building: 1292102000 APPLETREE COTTAGE (Building)Late sixteenth or early seventeenth century timber-framed house altered and extended in the nineteenth century
Find Spot: 0670100000 Approx 150m S of Maids Moreton Mill (Find Spot)Late Saxon metalwork found whilst metal detecting
Find Spot: 0671700000 Approx 450m SE of Manor Farm, Bourton (Find Spot)Roman pottery found by chance
Building: 1147200000 APPLESTRAW COTTAGE, 18 WEST END (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed thatched house with some eighteenth century refacing, originally two houses.
Find Spot: 0234703000 APPROX 100M SW CALLOW DOWN (Find Spot)Late Saxon metalwork found in metal-detecting survey
Find Spot: 0240100000 Approx 450m ESE of Wingrave Crossroads (Find Spot)Roman mortarium fragments found in fieldwalking