Record Search
Monument: 1009701000 Adjacent St. Annes Grange Newton Longville (Monument)Parchmark and wall foundation of possible further building or buildings of post-medieval date recorded in site visit
Find Spot: 0567100003 ADJACENT THE WARREN,BLEDLOW (Find Spot)Five Neolithic to Bronze Age scrapers found in fieldwalking survey
Monument: 0621000000 ADJACENT MILL FARM (Monument)Probable Neolithic to Bronze Age ring-ditch, possibly two, recorded on aerial photograph
Find Spot: 0567100000 ADJACENT THE WARREN,BLEDLOW (Find Spot)Scatter of Neolithic to Bronze Age flint artefacts and Roman and medieval pottery found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0567100005 ADJACENT THE WARREN,BLEDLOW (Find Spot)Two fragments of Neolithic to Bronze Age flint axes found in fieldwalking survey
Monument: 0232100000 Adjacent Rectory Barn (Monument)Geological marks seen on aerial photographs
Find Spot: 0567100001 ADJACENT THE WARREN,BLEDLOW (Find Spot)326 Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flakes found in fieldwalking survey
Monument: 0467501000 ADJACENT MANOR FARM,ON SW (Monument)Site of medieval farmstead or manor house recorded in field survey
Find Spot: 0567100002 ADJACENT THE WARREN,BLEDLOW (Find Spot)Sixteen Mesolithic to Early Bronze Age flint blades found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0567100004 ADJACENT THE WARREN,BLEDLOW (Find Spot)Neolithic to Bronze Age flint borer found in fieldwalking survey