Record Search
Find Spot: 0612801000 400M SE GROVEWAY FM, WEEDON (Find Spot)Roman pottery found in field-walking survey
Monument: 0595700001 400M SE OF PIGOTTS FARM (Monument)Medieval to post-medieval quarry, track and lynchets found with fragment of dressed stone recorded in field survey
Monument: 0131901000 400M SSE OF WINGS FARM: Heort Hill Windmill (Monument)Historical records and field survey of sixteenth century and later windmill
Monument: 0018501000 400M SE OF EYTHROPE HOUSE (Monument)Medieval hollow-way and boundary bank recorded in field survey
Monument: 0131900000 400M SE OF WINGS FARM: Heort Hill Settlement (Monument)Historical records of a settlement called Heorthill on the 'Street' in the tenth century
Monument: 0018500000 400M SE OF EYTHROPE HOUSE (Monument)Earthworks of deserted medieval village recorded in field survey
Find Spot: 0599100000 400M SE SHROVE FURLONG FARM (Find Spot)Iron Age and Roman pottery found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0053900000 400m SE of Buckmoorend (Find Spot)Medieval pottery found in wood
Monument: 0595700002 400M SE OF PIGOTTS FARM (Monument)Medieval to post-medieval quarry recorded in field survey
Find Spot: 0141400001 400M SW HADDENHAM STATION (Find Spot)Late prehistoric scraper found on ground surface