Record Search
Monument: 0628600000 300M SE OF JAYS HATCH (Monument)Possible early twentieth century firing ranges near Jays Hatch
Find Spot: 0257601000 300M SE OF NASHLEE FARM (Find Spot)Neolithic flint artefacts found in fieldwalking survey
Monument: 0259500000 300M SE ST JAMES AKELEY (Monument)Probable medieval house platforms recorded on aerial photographs, now built on
Find Spot: 0257602000 300M SE OF NASHLEE FARM (Find Spot)Five sherds of Late Iron Age pottery found in fieldwalking survey
Monument: 0418500000 300M SE OF SANDHILL HOUSE (Monument)Roman pottery and animal bone found on the surface
Find Spot: 0257600000 300M SE OF NASHLEE FARM (Find Spot)Seven Mesolithic flint blades found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0418500001 300M SE OF SANDHILL HOUSE (Find Spot)Roman pottery found on the surface
Monument: 0410800000 300M SE OF DOWN FARM (Monument)World War II bomb crater recorded on aerial photograph and confirmed by landowner
Find Spot: 0257603000 300M SE OF NASHLEE FARM (Find Spot)Twenty-five sherds of Roman pottery found in fieldwalking survey
Find Spot: 0418500002 300M SE OF SANDHILL HOUSE (Find Spot)Split animal bone found on the surface close to Roman pottery