Record Search
Building: 0058802002 250M N OF BIDDLESDEN PARK HOUSE (Building)Eighteenth century entrance gates to Biddlesden Park House.
Monument: 0524300000 250M NE ALL SAINTS CHURCH (Monument)Mound of uncertain date and function recorded in aerial photographs, subsequently found to be constructed in 1980
Monument: 0616800000 250M NNW OF BOTTLEHOUSE FM (Monument)Late prehistoric rectangular double-ditched enclosure seen on aerial photographs
Monument: 0524300001 250M NE ALL SAINTS CHURCH (Monument)Possible late prehistoric round barrow recorded on aerial photographs, subsequently found to be constructed in 1980
Monument: 0241300000 250M NE OF NORTHEND FARM (Monument)Medieval house platforms recorded in field survey and seen on aerial photographs. Medieval platforms, earthwork banks, boundary ditches, trackways and hollow ways of a deserted settlement is visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing d...
Monument: 0632600000 250m NW of Cranley Oak (Monument)Palaeochannel, ring ditch and ditched enclosures of unknown date seen as cropmarks on aerial photograph.
Monument: 0524300002 250M NE ALL SAINTS CHURCH (Monument)Possible boundary marker of unknown date recorded on aerial photographs, subsequently found to be constructed in 1980
Monument: 0629500000 250M NE OF SEWRAGE WORKS (Monument)Ditches of unknown date discovered in evaluation trenches
Monument: 0524300003 250M NE ALL SAINTS CHURCH (Monument)Possible medieval windmill recorded on aerial photographs, subsequently found to be constructed in 1980
Monument: 0241301000 250M NE OF NORTHEND FARM (Monument)Medieval trackway recorded in field survey and seen in aerial photographs