Landscape record 0103402000 - TAPLOW COURT (GD1597)
Protected Status/Designation
- Planning Notification Area: Prehistoric hillfort, Saxon burial mound, site of Medieval parish church, 18th and 19th century park and gardens at Taplow Court (DBC9470)
- Registered Park or Garden (II) GD1597: Taplow Court (DBC1092)
Type and Period (4)
- FORMAL GARDEN (19th Century - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
- LANDSCAPE PARK (18th Century - 1700 AD to 1799 AD)
- WALLED GARDEN (17th Century - 1600 AD to 1699 AD)
- PLEASANCE (18th Century - 1700 AD to 1799 AD)
Grade II. C19 formal gardens, with adjacent lawns & woodland walks. Oval of lawn in forecourt. C17 walled garden now car park. C19 formal geometrical garden to N of house outlined by box hedges. Bowling green further NW of house lawns with C18 urns & cedar walk. C19 root house destroyed c.1950. (More detail) (B7).
During the summers of 1995-9, the Taplow Archaeological Survey Team excavated 5 trenches around the house and in the churchyard of the old St Nicholas church. Trench 1 revealed a small stub of randomed coursed chalk wall (three courses survived). Post-medieval brick walls and a heavily mortared floor were thought to be the remains of the laboratory built for the Earl of Orkney and demolished in 1833. The trench also contained various modern services. Trench 2 was cut through the bank running along the west wall of Garden of Tranquility. The bank was found to contain a conglomeration of mortared together brickwork and large blocks of worked and faced masonry, plus pottery from all periods. Trench 3 revealed a portion of a sub-circular ditch. Trench 4 exposed a further segment of the ditch, a shallow trench, a double posthole and the remains of a small pit. Trench 5 again revealed the ditch along with two medium sized pits and an irregular line of postholes (B9-11).
Architects' plans of existing and proposed layouts of buildings in grounds of Taplow Court (B13).
Brief account of the gardens in early August 1833 (B14).
Brown's account book and correspondence record payments in 1778 and 1779 for making plans of Taplow (B16).
Sources (4)
- <7>SBC4634 Bibliographic reference: English Heritage. 1994. REGISTER OF PARKS & GARDENS OF SPECIAL HISTORIC INTEREST IN ENGLAND: BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Part 4. Updated September 2000.
- <13>SBC23616 Graphic material: Architype. 1997-1999. Architects' plans of existing and proposed site layout for new chanting hall at Taplow Court.
- <14>SBC23894 Bibliographic reference: John Claudius Loudon. 1990. In Search of English Gardens: The Travels of John Claudius Loudon and His Wife Jane. p100.
- <16>SBC24371 Article in serial: John Phibbs. 2013. 'A List of Landscapes That Have Been Attributed to Lancelot 'Capability' Brown', in Garden History Vol 41 part 2 pp244-277. Vol 41, part 2. pp252,271.
Grid reference | Centred SU 90641 82426 (395m by 1082m) |
Civil Parish | TAPLOW, South Bucks, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (9)
- Parent of: DAIRY AT TAPLOW COURT (Building) (0103402006)
- Parent of: E & N OF TAPLOW COURT (Building) (0103402003)
- Parent of: FORECOURT OF TAPLOW COURT (Building) (0103402002)
- Parent of: FORMER ESTATE OFFICE,TAPLOW (Building) (0103402007)
- Parent of: GATE PIERS TO TAPLOW COURT (Building) (0103402005)
- Parent of: GREEN DRIVE LODGE (Building) (1233300000)
- Parent of: NE OF TAPLOW COURT (Building) (0103402001)
- Parent of: S OF TAPLOW OLD CHURCHYARD (Building) (0103402004)
- Part of: TAPLOW MANOR (Monument) (0103400000)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Event - Intervention: Test pitting and trial trenching (EBC16346)
Record last edited
Jan 14 2025 5:37PM