Monument record 0056000000 - QUARRENDON II
Protected Status/Designation
- Planning Notification Area: Earthwork complex of Medieval deserted village, church and manor and Tudor mansion and gardens (DBC9396)
- SHINE: Quarrendon deserted medieval village, manor, Tudor garden earthworks and Weedon Hill Roman settlement (DBC7583)
Type and Period (1)
- DESERTED SETTLEMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
2 puzzling sets of village earthworks across stream from Quarrendon I - a hamlet or migration? (B1-2).
Detached area of Quarrendon Medieval village. Main street divides 2 areas of trackways & enclosures: no steadings visible, perhaps because street used for droving (B3-4).
Earthwork survey of site (B5).
Scheduled (B6).
Site visit 2000 (B8).
Sub-rectangular enclosure showing as cropmark on Mike Farley AP 07/1999. Salvage recording following unauthorised works within the scheduled area (B7).
T Clark metal detector finds including medieval/Tudor pottery (B9).
Watching brief carried out by Northamptonshire Archaeology in March and April 2009 during construction of footpath within the footprint of an existing farm trackway [subject to salvage recording in 1993] recorded the line of a former hedgerow and a possible earlier track surface of pebbles. The footpath construction did not impact on underlying archaeological deposits. See report for detail (B11).
Geophysical survey by GSB in March 1999 identified a concentration of anomalies to the N and W of the surviving earthworks, interpretted as trackways, buildings and property boundaries, sugesting that the Medieval village extended further NW. See report for details (B12).
Sources (19)
- ---SBC17396 Aerial Photograph: 05/02/90. BCM A14/8/28. SP\798157. Yes.
- ---SBC17875 Aerial Photograph: 22/04/53. CUC LM 21. SP\798159. Yes.
- ---SBC18421 Aerial Photograph: 06/02/85. NMR SP7915/10. SP\799157. Yes.
- ---SBC18709 Aerial Photograph: 13/11/88. PML 44/88 179. SP\791160. Yes.
- ---SBC19292 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 1999. Oblique Aeriel photograph over Quarrendon House Farm. SP79411575. Yes.
- ---SBC24875 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2012. Oblique colour aerial photo taken on 25th February 2012. SP79841576. Yes.
- <1>SBC1631 Bibliographic reference: BERESFORD M W & HURST J G 1971 DESERTED MEDIEVAL V ILLAGES PP64,184,307.
- <2>SBC6550 Unpublished document: Hurst J G. NOTES ON QUARRENDON (FILED).
- <3>SBC5756 Bibliographic reference: GOWING C N & FARLEY M E SEPT 1973 FIELD VISIT.
- <4>SBC10915 Bibliographic reference: OS RECORD CARD SP71 NE12,OCT 1973 (FILED)(SURVEY I N CAS FILE 0407).
- <5>SBC13169 Graphic material: Royal Commision on Historical Monuments of England. 1989-1990. COPY OF 1989-1990 EARTHWORK SURVEY (FILED).
- <6>SBC13997 Scheduling record: English Heritage. 1990. SCHEDULING LISTS OF INSPECTORATE OF ANCIENT MONUMENTS.
- <7>SBC19294 Unpublished document: Buckinghamshire County Museum Archaeological Service. 1993. Salvage Recording at Quarrendon DMV.
- <8>SBC19289 Photograph: Kidd S & Wise J. 2000. Quarrendon DMV SAM site visit 2000.
- <9>SBC19293 Verbal communication: Tom Clark. 1998. Clark T to Parkhouse J.
- <10>SBC19329 Article in serial: Paul Everson. 2001. Peasants, Peers and Graziers: The Landscape of Quarrendon, Buckinghamshire, interpreted.
- <11>SBC23514 Unpublished document: Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2009. Archaeological Test Pit Evaluation and Watching Brief at Quarrendon Leas, Aylesbury.
- <12>SBC19172 Unpublished document: GSB Prospection. 1999. Berryfields Farm, (Quarrendon), Aylesbury: Geophysical Survey Report.
- <13>SBC25937 Unpublished document: Michael Farley Archaeology. 1999. Quarrendon: A Preliminary Study of its Archaeology and Management.
Grid reference | Centred SP 7968 1589 (407m by 492m) |
Civil Parish | QUARRENDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (3)
Related Events/Activities (8)
- Event - Survey: (EBC14179)
- Event - Survey: Aeriel Photography (EBC15813)
- Event - Survey: Detailed earthwork survey (EBC15854)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical survey (EBC17820)
- Event - Intervention: Metal detecting (EBC15814)
- Event - Intervention: Salvage recording at Quarrendon DMV (Ref: QHF 93) (EBC15815)
- Event - Survey: Site visit 2000 (EBC15811)
- Event - Intervention: Test pitting and watching brief (EBC17259)
Record last edited
Mar 5 2025 5:52PM