Record Search
Find Spot: 0549600003 650M N OF ST MARY'S CHURCH (Find Spot)Medieval pottery sherds found in field-walking survey
Monument: 0625000000 650M S OF GRENDON HILL FARM (Monument)World War II searchlight battery recorded from cartographic sources
Building: 1245470100 66 & 70 - 76 GERMAIN STREET (Building)Row of five sixteenth and early seventeenth century timber-framed houses on Germain Street, with later alterations
Find Spot: 0243801000 650M NE SCOTSGROVE HOUSE (Find Spot)Roman and medieval pottery found on ground surface
Building: 0183907000 66 & 68 CHURCH STREET (Building)Pair of seventeenth century houses on Church Street with early nineteenth century front
Find Spot: 0549600002 650M N OF ST MARY'S CHURCH (Find Spot)Medieval pottery sherd found in field-walking survey
Monument: 0017800000 650M S OF BEACHENDON FARM (Monument)Earthwork remains of probable medieval moat.
Building: 1245709000 66 & 68 HIGH STREET (WHYTE POSTS & HODINGHAM HOUSE) (Building)Pair of seventeenth century timber-framed houses called Whyte Posts and Hodingham House, refronted in the eighteenth century
Find Spot: 0243800000 650M NE SCOTSGROVE HOUSE (Find Spot)Neolithic to Bronze Age flint scrapers and flakes found on ground surface
Monument: 0293400000 650M WSW OF CLAYDON STATION (Monument)Possible post-medieval fishpond probably disturbed by dumping and railway cutting recorded in field survey