Record Search
Building: 1318701000 5 CASTLE STREET (Building)Seventeeith century timber-framed house on Castle Street with eighteenth century front, now a shop
Building: 1319302000 5 CHURCH SQUARE (Building)Sixteenth or seventeenth century house refronted in the early nineteenth century and now a shop
Building: 1158900000 5 CASTLE LANE (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed and thatched house with later alterations and extensions, formerly two cottages
Building: 1527600000 5 Chapel Square, Stewkley (Building)Early eighteenth century house
Building: 1384100000 5 Churchway, Haddenham (Building)Nineteenth century house in Churchway.
Building: 1198202000 5 CASTLE STREET (Building)Eighteenth century house with attached seventeenth century timber-framed building.
Building: 1374200000 5 Chearsley Road, Long Crendon (Building)Two storey brick building, 19th century in date.
Find Spot: 0568400000 5 CALDICOT CLOSE,BEDGROVE (Find Spot)Mesolithic flint blade found in garden
Building: 1178800000 5 CASTLE STREET (Building)Late eighteenth century house with nineteenth and twentieth century alterations, part used as a shop in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Building: 1411000000 5 Church Street (Building)Nineteenth century house with attached carriageway