Record Search
Building: 1462300000 32 to 42 - Lakes Lane (Building)Group of houses built possibly in the 19th Century
Building: 1333500000 32-38 THE ROW, LANE END (Building)Row of four nineteenth century houses.
Building: 1253004000 33 CHENIES VILLAGE (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house.
Building: 1305205000 32 WEST STREET (Building)Eighteenth century house on West Street
Building: 1518500000 33 & 35 The Green (Building)Pair of late nineteenth century estate cottages built in the late 1870s in Old English style
Building: 1166500000 32 THE SQUARE (Building)Mid-nineteenth century house built about 1840-1850, with later alterations
Find Spot: 0236000000 320M E OF OVING HOUSE (Find Spot)Medieval or post-medieval metalwork fragment found on the surface
Monument: 0610503000 33 CASTLE STREET, HIGH WYC (Monument)Medieval pit, pottery, tile and animal bone recorded in excavation
Find Spot: 0025400000 32 WALTON STREET,GARDEN (Find Spot)Fifteenth to sixteenth century metalwork found in garden
Building: 1412400000 32-38 Whitehall Street (Building)This terrace is a local building of note within the Conservation Area of Aylesbury.