Record Search
Building: 1453600000 3 Ivy Tower - South Park Crescent (Building)Single house designed in 1925
Building: 1184501000 3 MANOR STREET (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house with early nineteenth century alterations
Building: 1012200000 3 NASH ROAD (Building)Fifteenth century cruck-built timber-framed thatched cottage
Building: 1201100000 3 KINGSBURY (Building)Nineteenth century house and shop, formerly two properties
Find Spot: 0014901001 3 MILL END COTTAGES (Find Spot)Seventeenth to eighteenth century pottery found in groundworks at Mill End Cottages
Building: 1184400000 3 LENBOROUGH ROAD (Building)Eighteenth century house with twentieth century alterations and extensions.
Building: 1444500000 3 Mulgrave - Latchmoor Grove (Building)Single House designed in 1906.
Building: 1001600000 3 High Street (The Cottage) (Building)Late eighteenth century house.
Building: 1002000000 3 LITTLE HORWOOD ROAD (Vine Cottage) (Building)Early nineteenth century house.
Building: 1101300000 3 MURSLEY ROAD (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house with eighteenth and nineteenth century alterations