Record Search
Building: 1038100000 1 FORT END (Building)Seventeenth century thatched witchert house incorporating a late medieval bay.
Building: 1038700000 1 GIBSON LANE (Building)Eighteenth century thatched witchert cottage
Building: 1517100000 1 Clays Lane (Building)Nineteenth century house with later extensions, on Clays Lane
Building: 1416100000 1 Francis Yard (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house with modern extension, now a restaurant and gallery
Building: 1411600000 1 Granville Place (Building)No.1 is a tall thin brick building which presents a very blank and uninteresting elevation to the street.
Building: 1387300000 1 Fern Road, Haddenham (Building)Two storey, 19th century witchert building.
Building: 1245430000 1 GERMAIN STREET (Building)Seventeenth century timber-framed house on Germain Street, refronted in the eighteenth century and used as a shop in the nineteenth century.
Building: 1134200000 1 EYTHROPE ROAD, STONE (Building)Late eighteenth century house.
Building: 1024800000 1 GATEHOUSE COTTAGES (Building)Eighteenth century house
Building: 1094400000 1 GREEN END (Building)Late sixteenth to seventeenth century timber-framed house, used as a post office.