Archaeological artefacts

Most of the artefacts retrieved in archaeological investigation or as stray finds will be deposited at an archive after post-excavation analysis apart from some bulk finds (such as large quantities of brick or tile) that are often disposed of. Reports on the finds will be available in the archaeological reports mentioned above, but you can also get access to the artefacts themselves.


Artefacts brought in for an archaeological roadshow in BrillArtefacts will mainly be of use to archaeological studies. Finds can be useful for dating sites as the style of an artefact can change through time. Sometimes the classification system that has been constructed to date these finds has been revised. Some artefacts in archives will still not have been reassessed and may be recorded with an erroneous date. Artefacts can also be used to interpret the status or function of a site, though interpretations often change. 


An expert at work identifying artefactsBuckinghamshire County Museum has collections of archaeological artefacts, from prehistoric, Roman and medieval pottery, flint and other objects through to items of social history such as clothes, accessories, vehicles, tools and so on from later periods. Other museums have collections mainly covering the later periods with similar items of social history.



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