Monument record 0026700000 - SNELSHALL PRIORY, WHADDON


Historical records of twelfth century priory, dissolved in the sixteenth century and now earthworks recorded on aerial photographs

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Medieval monastic complex of Snelshall Priory (DBC8583)


Type and Period (11)

  • PRIORY (12th Century to 16th Century - 1100 AD to 1599 AD)
  • SUBRECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • RECTILINEAR ENCLOSURE (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • DITCHED ENCLOSURE (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • DRAINAGE DITCH (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • BOUNDARY BANK (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • BANK (EARTHWORK) (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • POND (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • DITCH (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • PLATFORM (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD?)
  • RIDGE AND FURROW (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1798 AD)


Dimensions - Length 268m, Width 210m.
Plan Form - Rectangular.
SAM. Site of Snelshall Priory, first recorded 1147 (B5), dissolved 1535 (B8).
Now a set of earthworks (B12).
1:2500 plan of site filed, also a revised OS plan in CASS file (B10).
The site is in Whaddon Park (B3).
NGR to centre of site (B7).
Whaddon Chase map shows the grounds to cover the same area as the modern day earthworks (B15).
1997 Aps show the site to have extended to the north (B14).
Site visit by S Kidd 2001, details of extra-SAM earthworks (see 0267:01 for detail) (B17).
Earthworks to southwest of main priory complex noted and plotted as cropmarks. A pair of parallel linear features (X5) running roughly north from the western enclosure ditch of the priory is interpreted as a trackway marked on the 1599 Salden Estate map and apparently perpetuated as boundaries shown on a map of 1800 (B19).
Evidence for trackway X5 cited above is not convincing. The 1975 NMR AP referenced as evidence does not show a cropmark or soilmark feature but contemporary vehical tracks, and other Aps show continued use as a farm access track; the Salden Estate merely shows a boundary, not a track; and an AP of 1935 by Major Allen appears to show a former field boundary ditch at this location (B20).
Magnetic susceptibility survey carried out by Bartlett-Clark Consultancy in 2004 in fields immediately to the west and northwest of Snelshall Priory showed higher magnetic anomalies close to earthworks but do not suggest the presence of extensive or substantial settlement remains associated with the surviving earthworks (B18).

The remains of a medieval moated priory complex are visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing data as earthworks and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Located to the east of Whaddon village and centred at SP 81619 34479, the earthwork remains of Snelshall Priory are defined by a subrectangular boundary ditch that varies between 5 and 8 metres wide, creating an internal enclosure that extends 275 metres NW-SE and 235 metres NE-SW at its widest points. The NW facing and SW facing sides of the boundary ditch are slightly convex. Within the enclosure, a slightly curving ditch bisects the area SW-NE, creating an enclosure at the SE facing end about 85 x 233 metres, being about one third of the total area in size. Within this area, a small block of ridge and furrow cultivation earthworks about 51 x 81 metres is visible in the south corner. Another block of ridge and furrow cultivation is visible within the priory enclosure flanking the NE facing side. It seems likely that these are associated with post-medieval activity of the priory site following its sale in 1620 and a farm was constructed on its site that continued to be occupied until 1830. In addition to the perimeter ditch, throughout the low-lying site is a system of drainage ditches and ponds to regulate and manage water away from the inside of the enclosure (22-24).

Sources (45)

  • ---SBC17211 Aerial Photograph: 17/03/35. AMO 1365. SP\816345. Yes.
  • ---SBC17244 Aerial Photograph: 01/06/76. BCM A/1/9/19-21. SP\816343. Yes.
  • ---SBC17373 Aerial Photograph: 14/08/90. BCM A14/16/22. SP\816345. Yes.
  • ---SBC17384 Aerial Photograph: 05/02/90. BCM A14/7/2. SP\818345. Yes.
  • ---SBC17488 Aerial Photograph: 22/08/95. BCM A24\35. SP\816344. Yes.
  • ---SBC17849 Aerial Photograph: 01/07/49. CUC DA 4-5. SP\816344. Yes.
  • ---SBC17880 Aerial Photograph: 26/04/53. CUC LO 65-68. SP\815344. Yes.
  • ---SBC18027 Aerial Photograph: 01/06/63. FAS 4026/6313. SP\812342. Yes.
  • ---SBC18285 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/1. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18286 Aerial Photograph: 13/05/81. NMR 8134/14/213. SP\816342. Yes.
  • ---SBC18287 Aerial Photograph: 13/05/81. NMR 8134/14/215. SP\814343. Yes.
  • ---SBC18288 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/2/163-164. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18289 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/3/165-166. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18290 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/4/167-168. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18291 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/5/169-171. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18292 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/6. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18293 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/7/49,50,52. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18294 Aerial Photograph: 14/08/75. NMR 8134/7/51. SP\816345. Yes.
  • ---SBC18295 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/8/53-56. SP\816345.
  • ---SBC18296 Aerial Photograph: 01/01/90. NMR 8134/9/57, 59-60. SP\816343.
  • ---SBC18297 Aerial Photograph: 14/08/75. NMR 8134/9/58. SP\816345. Yes.
  • <1>SBC26953 Bibliographic reference: George Lipscomb. 1847. The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham (Volume 3). Volume 3. pp504-507.
  • <2>SBC19727 Bibliographic reference: James Joseph Sheahan. 1862. History and Topography of Buckinghamshire. pp767-769.
  • <3>SBC20467 Bibliographic reference: Royal Commision on Historical Monuments. 1913. Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire. Volume 2. pp19,294,321.
  • <4>SBC20460 Bibliographic reference: William Page (ed). 1905. A History of Buckinghamshire (Victoria County History) Volume I. Volume 1. pp352-353.
  • <6>SBC13385 Article in serial: RECS OF BUCKS 1954 16 PP54-5.
  • <7>SBC10448 Map: OS 1971 1:2500 MAP.
  • <8>SBC7170 Bibliographic reference: D Knowles & R N Hadcock. 1971. MEDIEVAL RELIGIOUS HOUSES. pp57, 77, 185, 191.
  • <9>SBC2074 Bibliographic reference: Buckinghamshire Record Society. 1941. BUCKS RECORD SOC 1941 P77 (CALLENDAR OF ANCIENT DEEDS-- AT THE MUSEUM, AYLESBURY; REF- DOCUMENT 372.
  • <10>SBC10986 Bibliographic reference: OS RECORD CARD SP83 SW 3 & OS SURVEY (CAS FILE).
  • <11>SBC225 Bibliographic reference: AIR PHOTOS- CAMB UNIV (ST JOSEPH).
  • <12>SBC13921 Scheduling record: English Heritage. 1993. SCHEDULING LIST OF INSPECTORATE OF ANCIENT MONUMENTS.
  • <13>SBC211 Aerial Photograph: AIR PHOTOS 1981(13 MAY) RCHM NMR SP8134/14/213/215 (COPIES AT BCM.
  • <14>SBC19016 Aerial Photograph: 1997. AP Run A25/38/9 to A25/38/14. SP816344.
  • <15>SBC16520 Map: John King. 1844. Whaddon Chase Inclosure Award map.
  • <16>SBC19256 Bibliographic reference: Browne Willis. 1717. An History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies. Vol 2. p36.
  • <17>SBC19364 Verbal communication: Kidd S. 2001. Pers Comm Kidd S to Wise J.
  • <18>SBC23016 Unpublished document: Bartlett-Clark Consultancy. 2004. Report on the Archaeogeophysical Survey of Proposed Development Sites West of Milton Keynes.
  • <19>SBC22855 Unpublished document: Archaeological Investigations Ltd. 2004. New Lansdown, Whaddon Park, The Oaks: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. pp14,17,32 (No.42);Fig 3 (H); Fig 4 (X7 & X5).
  • <20>SBC23367 Verbal communication: Julia Wise (BCC). 2009. Information from 1940s and later aerial photos.
  • <21>SBC20462 Bibliographic reference: William Page (ed). 1925. A History of Buckinghamshire (Victoria County History) Volume III. Volume 3. p435.
  • <22>SBC25809 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. RAF-3G-TUDD-UK86 RV 6242 26-MAR-1946.
  • <23>SBC25062 Digital archive: Environment Agency. Environment Agency LiDAR data. LIDAR SP83SW Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme DTM 1 Metre dated 2021 SP8134.
  • <24>SBC25596 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. Next Perspectives APGB Imagery. 14-SEP-2019 SP8134.


Grid reference Centred SP 8156 3438 (500m by 530m)
Civil Parish WHADDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

Related Events/Activities (6)

  • Event - Survey: (EBC13816)
  • Event - Survey: (EBC13829)
  • Event - Survey: (EBC14117)
  • Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 7768) (EBC18304)
  • Event - Survey: Geophysical survey (EBC16901)
  • Event - Survey: Walkover survey (EBC17172)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2025 4:34PM

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