Monument record 0022600000 - WOTTON UNDERWOOD
Protected Status/Designation
- Planning Notification Area: Earthworks of Medieval village of Wotton Underwood, deserted in the eighteenth century (DBC8977)
Type and Period (1)
- SHRUNKEN VILLAGE (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
Map of 1649 shows a more-or-less linear shaped village running approx NE to SW under present Wotton House & probably part of lake (B1).
C17 map probably shows this village (B2).
C18 desertion. Grenvilles Manor house lies over part of village; church still remains. A late emparking (B3).
Part of Wotton Underwood village lies under manor house, part under lake & more in parkland; a few model cottages & a farm seem to have been built on another part (B4).
Parkland given its present pattern between 1704 & 1714. The 1649 plan shows 65 houses but there are now fewer than 10, all near the church. Shape of old village bears the strong imprint of its origin in a woodland clearing. Houses set along forest edge. Now little signs of where old village lay, though irregularities in paddocks near church visible & others at N end of park (B5).
Some house closes etc visible in aerial photos (B6).
A few probable house platforms visible to SE of track between Middle & Yeat Farms; also some amorphous earthworks in field centred SP68501580. Extent of original village plotted from above sources, especially the 1649 map (B7).
Sources (20)
- ---SBC17265 Aerial Photograph: 01/07/75. BCM A1/3/15. SP\684167. Yes.
- ---SBC17358 Aerial Photograph: 01/11/88. BCM A13/8/7. SP\684158. Yes.
- ---SBC17359 Aerial Photograph: 01/11/88. BCM A13/8/8. SP\682158. Yes.
- ---SBC17386 Aerial Photograph: 05/02/90. BCM A14/7/23. SP\683158. Yes.
- ---SBC18040 Aerial Photograph: 23/01/76. GAS 218.3447. SP\689176. Yes.
- ---SBC18041 Aerial Photograph: 23/01/76. GAS 218.3448. SP\690171. Yes.
- ---SBC20719 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2001. 2001 Michael Farley oblique AP. SP68151609. Yes.
- <1>SBC4657 Map: 1649. WOTTON UNDERWOOD ESTATE MAP 1649.
- <3>SBC1646 Bibliographic reference: BERESFORD M W 1953 NOTES ON BUCKS DMV'S(CAS FILE O 000);BERESFORD M W & HURST J G 1971 DESERTED MEDI.
- <5>SBC1649 Bibliographic reference: BERESFORD M W 1957 HISTORY ON THE GROUND PP226-228.
- <6>SBC118 Bibliographic reference: A/P'S AT BCM.
- <7>SBC7355 Bibliographic reference: LAWS D & PIKE A R,15 SEPT 1977,FIELD VISIT;COMMENT BY A R PIKE,JAN 1978.
- <8>SBC19524 Article in serial: David Thorpe. 2001. 'Wotton Underwood, Professor Beresford and the search for lost villages', in BAS Newsletter, Spring 2001.
- <9>SBC22238 Verbal communication: 1978. June Strong and Mike Farley (BCM) pers comm Oct 1978.
- <10>SBC22237 Unpublished document: Ordnance Survey Field Investigator. Ordnance Survey record card SP 61 NE:1.
- <11>SBC22929 Unpublished document: John Moore Heritage Services. 2007. An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment of South Pavilion, Wotton House, Wotton Underwood. p 16.
- <12>SBC23316 Unpublished document: John Moore Heritage Services. 2007. Archaeological Evaluation Report: The South Pavilion, Wotton Underwood.
- <13>SBC23774 Unpublished document: John Moore Heritage Services. 2008. Groundworks for a New Tennis Court, the South Pavilion, Wotton Underwood: Archaeological Comments.
Grid reference | Centred SP 68659 16779 (1219m by 2243m) (2 map features) |
Civil Parish | WOTTON UNDERWOOD, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
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Record last edited
May 20 2024 11:30AM