Monument record 0116100000 - Field E of Sentry Hill, Low Grounds Farm, Marlow


Probable prehistoric barrow cemetery visible as cropmarks and investigated by Marlow Archaeological Society from 1999

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Prehistoric barrow cemetery and associated remains, investigated by fieldwalking, geophysical survey and trial trenching (DBC9885)


Type and Period (3)

  • ENCLOSURE (Late Neolithic to Late Iron Age - 2500 BC to 42 AD)
  • RING DITCH (Late Neolithic to Late Iron Age - 2500 BC to 42 AD)
  • BARROW CEMETERY (Bronze Age - 2350 BC? to 701 BC?)


Field walking undertaken by Marlow Archaeological Society in 1999/2000 produced a concentration of finds along the northern edge of the field, consisting of some 123 flint implement, 2 cores, and some 487 sherds of pottery and other metal finds (B6).
In 2001 Marlow Archaeological Society conducted a resistivity survey on two of the ring ditches and investigated an area to the SW where the presence of the edge of a palaeochannel was possible detected. Three evaluation trenches were opened. Trench 1 (2m x 2m) in the north of the site was opened to test the depth of the overburden and nature of the underlying geology. 93 waste and worked flakes were recovered together with 6 core nodules and 1 burnt flint. Trench 2 (2m x 2m) was located between the ring dicth features and was dug to check the depth of the overburden. 14 waste flakes and 2 worked points were recovered together with 55gm of burnt flint. Trench 3 (1m x 5.6m) was dug at a point of high resistivity at a junction between two gravel terraces. 5 flint artefacts were recovered (B7).
In 2002, CAS 1161:01 had a small trench re-opened across the possible ditch feature which was shown to have been truncated by ploughing and was 2m wide by 1m deep. It appears to be u-shaped and have two phases of backfilling or a possible recut. Worked flint and contemporary building material was identified in the fills which were disturbed from the previous year's excavation (B8).
Further geophysical surveys and trial trenching carried out by Marlow Archaeological Society in 2003 to consolidate previous surveys and investigate the N edge of a possible gravel island. Magnetometry identified 2 circular anomalies, possibly ring ditches, 1 of which is double-ditched and 2 sub-rectangular ditched anomalies, probably small ditched enclosures. The trial trench apparently confirmed the presence of the edge of a palaeochannel (B13).
Further fieldwalking by Marlow Archaeological society in 2004 identified discrete concentrations of flint debitage and tools, interpreted as flint-working areas and burnt and cracked flints interpreted as cooking areas. Resistivity survey identified an extended sub-rectangular ditched enclosure aligned NW-SE, apparently associated with Barrow 'D' (B14).
LIDAR survey undertaken by Oxford Archaeology showed all the cropmarks are on high ground of a possible former island in the Thames. It is possible that alluvium masks cropmarks on lower ground (B15).
Fieldwalking and geophysics recorded evidence of possible settlement and flintworking (B17).
MAS undertook an evaluation of a site at Low Grounds Farm in conjunction with Oxford Archaeology. Intact prehistoric soils were located in the northern corner of the site above the level of the natural gravel. Stakeholes forming one or more structures were found cutting the prehistoric soil here, together with worked flints and an area of burning that produced a C14 date of the early-middle Neolithic from radiocarbon dating of charcoal and hazelnut shells. Neolithic pottery was recovered from the same deposit. Several adjacent areas of stakeholes were investigated: they possibly supported cooking frames or acted as drying racks. Elsewhere, natural gravel was sealed beneath sand and/or reddish brown clay silts, probably the geological subsoil. The evidence suggests a continuity of 'occupation' or more properly 'activity' here from the Neolithic to the early Bronze Age. Such activity may have been seasonal, though no time-scale can be elucidated from the excavated evidence and this should be treated as a cautious interpretation of the area as a whole (B18).
It would seem that the evidence and specialist advice is that all find and features are of a similar date and associated with the same activity (tanning) and that this activity was removed form the immediate vicinity of habitation. Of great significance is the suggestion that this area at this time was regularly grazed and that this with the activity maybe indicating more or less continuous occupation. An important matter not resolved is the relationship between the suggestions here for occupation and activity in say BC 2742 Neolithic and the barrows immediately adjacent, suggested by form only as being early Bronze Age. If it transpired that these were associated with the same period of occupation, then this site becomes of major importance (B19).
A detailed gradiometer survey carried out by Wessex Archaeology successfully located numerous anomalies of archaeological interest. The most interesting of these are two concentric annular anomalies appearing to form part of a barrow cemetery with two ring ditches identified by the previous WA geophysical survey. Near the northeastern extent of the survey area a sub-annular anomaly some 12m in diameter is consistent with the response from a roundhouse (B20)

Sources (37)

  • ---SBC17963 Aerial Photograph: 09/07/57. CUC VP 28. SU\837850. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC17966 Aerial Photograph: 09/07/57. CUC VP 29. SU\841855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC17968 Aerial Photograph: 09/07/57. CUC VP 30. SU\841855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC17969 Aerial Photograph: 09/07/57. CUC VP 32. SU\841855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC17970 Aerial Photograph: 09/07/57. CUC VP 33. SU\839855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC17972 Aerial Photograph: 09/07/57. CUC VP 59. \.
  • ---SBC17993 Aerial Photograph: 19/06/59. CUC YO 36. SU\841855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC17994 Aerial Photograph: 19/06/59. CUC YO 37. SU\841855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC17995 Aerial Photograph: 19/06/59. CUC YO 38. SU\839854. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC18694 Aerial Photograph: 19/06/70. NMR/SU 8385/1/88. SU\839855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC18695 Aerial Photograph: 19/06/70. NMR/SU 8385/1/89. SU\839855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC18696 Aerial Photograph: 19/06/70. NMR/SU 8385/1/90. SU\839855. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC18697 Aerial Photograph: 19/07/77. NMR/SU 8485/10/219. SU\842853. Yes. Yes.
  • ---SBC18698 Aerial Photograph: 19/07/77. NMR/SU 8485/9/216. SU\842854. Yes. Yes.
  • <1>SBC11125 Bibliographic reference: OS RECORD CARD SU 88 NW 18.
  • <2>SBC5570 Bibliographic reference: GATES T 1975 MIDDLE THAMES VALLEY P44.
  • <3>SBC3473 Graphic material: Denise Allen (BCM). 1979. AP PLOT (FILED).
  • <4>SBC5506 Bibliographic reference: G E SCRIMGEOUR JULY 1988 FROM BI3 & AP1-14.
  • <5>SBC13178 Unpublished document: RCHM(E). 1995. The Thames Valley Project: a Report for the National Mapping Programme.
  • <6>SBC19162 Unpublished document: Marlow Archaeological Society. 2001. Harleyford Manor Farm, Marlow.
  • <7>SBC20006 Unpublished document: Marlow Archaeological Society. 1999-2001. Report on the field work at Low Grounds Farm, Marlow.
  • <8>SBC20322 Unpublished document: J Hawes, J Eyers, C Berks and G Fairclough. 2002. Report on Investigations at Harleyford 2002.
  • <9>SBC20321 Unpublished document: Elias Kupfermann and Geoff Fairclough. 2000. Fieldwalking Exercise on a possible ploughed-out barrow cemetery at Marlow.
  • <10>SBC20320 Article in serial: Joan Burrow-Newton. 2000. MAS Members Evening. Vol 2, issue 10, Oct 2000. pp6-9.
  • <11>SBC20319 Article in serial: Geoff Fairclough. 2000. West of Marlow Field Walk September 1999: update. July 2000. pp5.
  • <12>SBC20318 Article in serial: Joan Burrow-Newton. 1999. Somebody did get their hands dirty. Vol 1, Issue 5, Nov 1999.
  • <13>SBC22174 Unpublished document: Minas Tirith Ltd and Marlow Archaeological Society. 2004. Marlow, Harleyford: Archaeological Investigation 2003.
  • <14>SBC22246 Unpublished document: Minas Tirith Ltd. 2004. Colin Berks to Sandy Kidd November 2004 correspondence and preliminary fieldwork plots.
  • <15>SBC22930 Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology. 2006. Firview Close Area, Marlow: Flood Alleviation Scheme. pp 11, 14, Fig. 6.
  • <16>SBC23172 Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2008. Land Adjacent to Lower Pound Lane, Marlow: Scanning and Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report.
  • <17>SBC22542 Unpublished document: Marlow Archaeological Society. 2005. Marlow, Harleyford: 2004 Fieldwork Report - Fieldwalk and Resistivity.
  • <18>SBC23487 Unpublished document: Marlow Archaeological Society & Oxford Archaeology. 2007. Low Grounds Farm, Marlow: Archaeological Evaluation by Excavation 2006.
  • <19>SBC23488 Unpublished document: Marlow Archaeological Society. 2008. Low Grounds Farm, Marlow: Archaeological Evaluation by Excavation Phase 2,2007 - Addendum to the 2006 Report.
  • <20>SBC24221 Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2008. Land adjacent to Lower Pound Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire: Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report.
  • <21>SBC24905 Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology. 2010. Marlow Flood Alleviation Scheme, Pound Lane, Marlow: Phase II Archaeological Evaluation Report.
  • <22>SBC24002 Unpublished document: Wycombe District Council. 2011. Local List Descriptions - New Additions to the List.
  • <23>SBC25126 Unpublished document: Trent and Peak Archaeology. 2018. Marlow Flood Alleviation Scheme, Buckinghamshire: Final Report on Archaeological Mitigation (DRAFT).


Grid reference SU 84000 85500 (point)
Civil Parish MARLOW, Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Finds (1)

  • FLAKE (Early Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age - 10000 BC to 701 BC)

Related Monuments/Buildings (10)

Related Events/Activities (11)

  • Event - Survey: (EBC11915)
  • Event - Survey: Aerial photography (EBC11902)
  • Event - Survey: Fieldwalking 1999 (EBC16389)
  • Event - Survey: Fieldwalking and geophysical surveys Harleyford, Marlow (EBC17339)
  • Event - Survey: Fieldwalking and resistivity survey 2000 (EBC16390)
  • Event - Intervention: Fieldwalking, geophysical survey and trial trenching 2001 (EBC16395)
  • Event - Survey: Geophysical Survey (EBC17519)
  • Event - Survey: Geophysical survey and fieldwalking 2004 (EBC16517)
  • Event - Intervention: Geophysical survey and trial trenching 2002 (EBC16394)
  • Event - Survey: Geophysical survey and trial trenching 2003 (Ref: HNW03) (EBC16516)
  • Event - Intervention: Trial trenching at Low Grounds Farm, Marlow (EBC17341)

Record last edited

Feb 26 2021 10:50AM

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