Monument record 0420802902 - QUEEN'S TEMPLE, Stowe Landscape Gardens


Second World War firing range near the Queen's Temple

Protected Status/Designation

  • Listed Building (I) ()
  • SHINE: Stowe medieval to post medieval landscape garden, medieval deserted villages of Lamport & Boycott, shrunken village of Daford, also moats, manors and fishponds, ridge and furrow earthworks & cropmarks, and areas of ancient semi natural woodland (DBC7454)


Type and Period (3)

  • FIRING RANGE (Modern - 1943 AD? to 1999 AD)
  • RIFLE RANGE (20th Century - 1900 AD to 1999 AD)
  • ARMOURY (20th Century - 1900 AD to 1999 AD)


The firing range is close to the Queen's Temple. Today the Combined Cadet Forces uses the firing range, but research indicates the range was built in 1943 for the Home Guard (B40).
The rifle range is mentioned in The Stoic Magazines of 1933 and 1934 suggesting a construction date around this time. This firing range is known to have replaced an earlier range. The range was set into a west-facing slope at the head of a narrow valley in the Hawkwell Field area. The main componet was a high wall, 18m in length, 4.3m high, built if dark blue engineering bricks and served as a protective screen behind the targets. From the face of wall two lines of virtical wooden sleepers of descending height probably held back the two ends of the sand embankment carrying the targets. Infront of the wall a rectangular depression formed a ricochet pit 17m long and 16m wide and 1.8m deep. Firing took place from a concrete platform, 10.5m long and 3.8m wide, to the SW of the wall. The shed, 3x2m and 2.2m in height, was constructed from corrugated iron sheets secured to a crude timber frame. The sheets had been painted light green colour to provide some degree of camouflage (B72).

A Second World War firing range is visible on historic aerial photographs and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Located at the site of the current Miniature Rifle Range, between Queen’s Temple and Temple in Stowe Landscape Gardens and centred at SP 67835 37542, the 23 metres (25 yards) small arms range comprises a building about 9 x 7 metres which includes the firing points and also housed the armoury of .303 rifles of the CCF (Combined Cadet Force). 25 yards to the NE is the butts. Still standing in 1947, the rifle range has been demolished by 1961 (73-77).

Sources (10)

  • ---SBC17422 Aerial Photograph: 04/09/76. BCM A2/11/20-22. SP\674376. Yes.
  • ---SBC20023 Unpublished document: English Heritage. 2001. Stowe Park, Stowe, Buckinghamshire: An Archaeological Survey by English Heritage (Survey Report).
  • ---SBC21871 Aerial Photograph: 1965.
  • <40>SBC22826 Unpublished document: Amanda Pickard. 2003. Stowe in the War. p7.
  • <72>SBC25177 Unpublished document: National Trust. 2018. Stowe Gardens: Report describing an archaeological watching brief during the demolition if of the rifle range in the Hawell Fields.
  • <73>SBC26085 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2023. RAF-106G-UK-1380 RP 3232 09-APR-1946.
  • <74>SBC26086 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2023. RAF-CPE-UK-1792 RS 4184 11-OCT-1946.
  • <75>SBC26087 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2023. RAF-CPE-UK-2097 RP 3171 28-MAY-1947.
  • <76>SBC26088 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2023. RAF-543-1426 2F41 0351 28-AUG-1961.
  • <77>SBC26065 Digital archive: The Stowe Group. 2023. Turner, J. 2020. Wartime Memories of Stowe.


Grid reference SP 67828 37539 (point)
Civil Parish STOWE, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (4)

  • Event - Survey: (EBC14100)
  • Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 7768) (EBC18304)
  • Event - Survey: Site visit (EBC13583)
  • Event - Intervention: Watching brief undertaken during demolition of the rifle range in the Hawkell Fields (Ref: ENA9155) (EBC18143)

Record last edited

Oct 20 2024 8:11PM

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