Building record 0420806000 - STOWE SCHOOL, STOWE PARK
Protected Status/Designation
- SHINE: Stowe medieval to post medieval landscape garden, medieval deserted villages of Lamport & Boycott, shrunken village of Daford, also moats, manors and fishponds, ridge and furrow earthworks & cropmarks, and areas of ancient semi natural woodland (DBC7454)
Type and Period (1)
- (Former Type) AMMUNITION DUMP (Modern - 1939 AD? to 1945 AD?)
Part of Stowe School was requisitioned as billets and offices for 31 ASD (Ammunition Sub-Depot) of the Royal Ordnance Corps. The Cricket Pavilion was used a medical room. Ammunition, large and small, was stored in corrugated iron shelters along the roadsides and fields, even along Stowe Avenue (B40).
In September 1942 a unit of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps was relocated to Stowe, their previous accommodation having been taken by the American Air Force. The officers took over the building known as the Scout Hut and the other ranks took over the Pavilion and various classrooms. They also brought a Naafi. Ammunition huts sprung up all around the grounds. They stayed until December 1943 (B41).
Sources (3)
- ---SBC20023 Unpublished document: English Heritage. 2001. Stowe Park, Stowe, Buckinghamshire: An Archaeological Survey by English Heritage (Survey Report).
- <40>SBC22801 Bibliographic reference: Pip Brimson. 2001. Buckingham at War. p73.
- <41>SBC22826 Unpublished document: Amanda Pickard. 2003. Stowe in the War. p2.
Grid reference | SP 67472 37434 (point) |
Civil Parish | STOWE, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical survey (EBC16519)
- Event - Survey: Site visit (EBC13580)
- Event - Intervention: Trial trenching and watching brief (Ref: SSSE 03) (EBC16518)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief (EBC16233)
Record last edited
Oct 26 2024 3:34PM