Monument record 0687404001 - Penn Wood: demolition spoil


Dump of slate and cinder found in woodland survey, possibly the remains of brick and lime kilns or demolition rubble from Penn Wood army camp

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded


Type and Period (3)

  • MIDDEN? (20th Century - 1900 AD to 1999 AD)
  • LIME KILN? (18th Century - 1700 AD to 1799 AD)
  • BRICK KILN? (18th Century - 1700 AD to 1799 AD)


The survey notes a shallow depression with slate and cinder finds on the surface (B1).
Miles Green's History of Penn Wood notes the Penn Wood Army Camp based around the common was cleared, reinstated and handed back to the Parish Council in November 1951. Ernest Cook, the then owner of Penn Wood, gave 1 acre of woodland to increase the size of the common/cricket pitch. Two large dells were filled in with the spoil and rubbish (B2).
References to expenses at the brick-kiln, 1750. Chalk digging; lime burning; brick making mentioned & 2 kilns of lime & brick & tyles, bricks, coping bricks & list of workers (B3).
Wycombe Heath lay mainly in & NW of Penn Wood. The north part of Penn Wood has many pits including large one at SU 9139 9641 (Beamond End Pond) (B4).

Sources (4)

  • <1>SBC20067 Unpublished document: Neil Sanderson. 2000. Ecological and Historic Landscape Assessment of Penn Wood.
  • <2>SBC19623 Bibliographic reference: Miles Green. 1999. The History of Penn Wood.
  • <3>SBC14104 Bibliographic reference: SHARDELOES ESTATE ACCOUNT BOOK 1747-68 (AT BRO, D/ X 963 Q).
  • <4>SBC1717 Bibliographic reference: BIOLOGICAL RECORDS, BCM.


Grid reference SU 92017 95955 (point)
Civil Parish PENN, Chiltern, Buckinghamshire
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Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Event - Survey: Ecological and historic landscape survey (EBC16289)

Record last edited

Oct 15 2020 12:33PM

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