Monument record 0636002000 - 20th Century Field System, Deep Park, Stowe


Twentieth century field ditches recorded in field survey and on aerial photographs

Protected Status/Designation

  • SHINE: Stowe medieval to post medieval landscape garden, medieval deserted villages of Lamport & Boycott, shrunken village of Daford, also moats, manors and fishponds, ridge and furrow earthworks & cropmarks, and areas of ancient semi natural woodland (DBC7454)


Type and Period (1)

  • FIELD SYSTEM (20th Century - 1900 AD to 1999 AD)


The English Heritage survey of Stowe undertaken in 2001 notes three banks in the field SW of the Conduit House. One bank runs N-S for 340m. A second runs E-W for 75m. Both these overlay the ridge and furrow, have a sharp appearance and are 1.5m wide x 0.5m high. The third is less distinct and runs for 80m NE-SW. The boundaries appear on 1946 aerial photographs. The longest is still in existence in 1977 aerial photographs (3).

Sources (4)

  • ---SBC20023 Unpublished document: English Heritage. 2001. Stowe Park, Stowe, Buckinghamshire: An Archaeological Survey by English Heritage (Survey Report).
  • <1>SBC19212 Unpublished document: David Hall. 1994-99. Draft MPP Documentation for Midlands Open Fields Project.
  • <2>SBC19992 Unpublished document: Angus Wainwright. 1989. The National Trust Archaeological Survey: Stowe. pp37.
  • <3>SBC20024 Unpublished document: Hazel Riley. 2001. Stowe Park, Stowe, Buckinghamshire: An Archaeological Survey by English Heritage (Site Gazetteer). AI/21/2001.


Grid reference SP 6715 3830 (point)
Civil Parish STOWE, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

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Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

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Record last edited

Jun 29 2015 3:22PM

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