Monument record 0066300000 - C400M NW OF PUTLOWES
Protected Status/Designation
- Planning Notification Area: Possible barrow or windmill mound at Putlowes (DBC9408)
Type and Period (1)
- ROUND BARROW? (Late Prehistoric - 4000 BC? to 42 AD?)
Dimensions - Radius 0950 Height 0120 cm
1 OR POSSIBLY A CONTIGUOUS PAIR OF BARROWS VISIBLE ON APS (B1). SINGLE LOW MOUND STILL VISIBLE C.1.5M HIGH, 18M DIAMETER. NO VISIBLE DITCH. SMALL TREE ON TOP; FIELD PLOUGHED UP TO EDGE OF MOUND. COULD BE BARROW (B2). Tom Clark asserts that mound appears to be the focus for Roman roads from Thornborough, Stone and Thame, all of which are visible as stone scatters in ploughsoil (B4). An association with the mound would seem unlikely as 1940s RAF vertical APs appear to show the mound sitting on top of ridge and furrow (B1).
Sources (7)
- ---SBC18715 Aerial Photograph: RAF 0927. SP\778153. Yes.
- ---SBC18822 Aerial Photograph: RAF. 01/01/57. RAF 2081. \.
- ---SBC20709 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 2001. 2001 oblique AP by Mike Farley. SP78001500. Yes.
- <1>SBC12488 Bibliographic reference: RAF A/P'S (VARIOUS AT BCM) & RAF 2081 JAN 1957 AT BUCKS COLLECTION, CO LIBRARY,AYLESBURY.
- <2>SBC5170 Bibliographic reference: FARLEY M E,NOV 1973,FIELD VISIT.
- <3>SBC10628 Unpublished document: Ordnance Survey Field Investigator. OS RECORD CARD.
- <4>SBC19402 Verbal communication: Tom Clark. 1997. Clark T to Farley M E (BCM) 15th October 1997.
Grid reference | SP 77870 15310 (point) |
Civil Parish | FLEET MARSTON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event - Survey: (EBC13970)
- Event - Survey: (EBC14179)
Record last edited
Jul 15 2021 5:12PM