Landscape record 0638101000 - Gardens at Heatherden Hall


Remains of late nineteenth century gardens at Heatherden Hall, modified in 1932

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Late 19th and early 20th century formal gardens at Heatherden Hall (Pinewood Studios) (DBC9875)


Type and Period (2)

  • FORMAL GARDEN (Altered 1932, 19th Century to Modern - 1870 AD to 1999 AD)
  • PARTERRE (Altered 1932, 19th Century to Modern - 1870 AD to 1999 AD)


Gardens originally constructed in 1870 when the house was built by Charles Reeks. In the 1930's the hall became the offices for Pinewood Studios. A more formal garden layout was constructed in 1932 which incorporated walks, water features and parterres. Recent APs show that parterres and formal gardens are still intact and well defined (B2).
Pulhamite work installed in early 20th century. Mentioned in James Pulham & Son's catalogue 'Hardy Herbaceous and Alpine Plants' of about 1930s (B3).
The complex formal and informal gardens for a mid‐late C19 villa which was substantially enlarged in the early C20 when the gardens were re‐designed with the addition of a lake, fountain and grotto by the notable landscape firm James Pulham & Sons. The house and gardens were retained as the core of the renowned Pinewood Film Studios, which opened in 1936 as a country club and for film locations. The garden retains much of the historic character and detailed layout established by the 1930s including hedges, sculpture, mature ornamental trees and other planting. (See report for detail)(B5).
Pulhamite work installed between 1902-1905 for Lt Colonel Grant Morden (B6).

Sources (4)

  • <2>SBC19002 Unpublished document: Buckinghamshire County Museum Archaeological Service. 1998. Historic Parks and Gardens Register Review.
  • <3>SBC23092 Bibliographic reference: English Heritage. 2008. Durability Guaranteed: Pulhamite Rockwork - its Conservation and Repair. p25.
  • <5>SBC24806 Unpublished document: Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust. 2016. Heatherden Hall: Understanding Historic Parks and Gardens in Buckinghamshire.
  • <6>SBC25073 Bibliographic reference: Claude Hitching. 2012. Rock Landscapes: The Pulham Legacy. pp196, 216-219, 308.


Grid reference Centred TQ 01786 84008 (337m by 259m)
Civil Parish IVER, South Bucks, Buckinghamshire

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Record last edited

Aug 28 2021 5:33PM

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