Record Search
Find Spot: 0200901000 150M N ADDINGROVE FARM (Find Spot)Fragment of Roman flue tile found in drainage pipe cutting
Find Spot: 0242000000 150M NNW OF WING CHURCH (Find Spot)Medieval pottery found in spoil from sewer trench
Monument: 0058601000 150M E OF THE GRANGE (Monument)Medieval house platforms surveyed during topographic earthwork survey
Find Spot: 0447600000 150M NE OF THAME BRIDGE (Find Spot)Part of human skull of unknown date found in River Thame
Find Spot: 0045600001 150M NW OF ST JAMES'CHURCH (Find Spot)Civil War metalwork found in the nineteenth century
Find Spot: 0200900000 150M N ADDINGROVE FARM (Find Spot)Medieval pottery sherds found in drainage pipe cutting
Monument: 0078900000 150M NNE OF HAMBLEDEN PLACE (Monument)Neolithic to Bronze Age ring-ditch seen on aerial photographs
Monument: 0058600000 150M E OF THE GRANGE (Monument)House platforms, hollow-way and ridge and furrow seen in field survey
Find Spot: 0420000000 150M NE OF MALTBY'S FARM (Find Spot)Neolithic to Bronze Age flint flake found on ground surface
Monument: 0633000000 150m NW of Buxlow Farm (Monument)Place-name evidence that Buxlow Farm may be the site of a Saxon mound and meeting place