Record Search
Building: 1067400000 13-19 THE GREEN (Building)Row of four late nineteenth century estate houses built in 1877
Building: 1142601000 13a South Street (Building)Nineteenth century outbuilding, possibly former coach house and stables to Bacombe Lodge
Find Spot: 0446304001 13-19 BUCKINGHAM STREET (Find Spot)Medieval pottery found in two wells in excavation
Building: 1245516000 137 HIGH STREET (Building)Early nineteenth century house on Amersham High Street
Building: 1179501000 14 & 15 CASTLE STREET (Building)Pair of mid-eighteenth century houses with nineteenth and twentieth century alterations and extensions
Find Spot: 0446305002 13-19 BUCKINGHAM STREET (Find Spot)Fifteenth to sixteenth century metalwork found in excavation
Find Spot: 0235300000 1340M SSE OF FOLLY FARM (Find Spot)Roman pottery sherds found at field edge
Building: 1542900000 14 & 14A Red Lion Street (Building)Seventeenth and eighteenth century houses, used as shops from the twentieth century
Find Spot: 0446305001 13-19 BUCKINGHAM STREET (Find Spot)Fifteenth to sixteenth century Brill pottery found in excavation
Building: 1245517000 139 HIGH STREET (Building)Seventeenth century house on Amersham High Street, refronted in the eighteenth century