Record Search
Building: 1256300000 BEAM HOUSE, 38 HIGH STREET (Building)Fifteenth or sixteenth century timber-framed cruck-built house, refronted in the eighteenth century and used as a shop
Monument: 0946000000 Bearbrook House, Oxford Road (Monument)Former watercourse, infilled in the late 20th century, found during evaluation trial trenching.
Building: 1265700000 BEAMOND END FARMHOUSE (Building)Early seventeeth century timber-framed farmhouse with early eighteenth century extension
Find Spot: 0036500004 BEC HOUSE, BLEDLOW (Find Spot)Sixteenth to nineteenth century pottery found in garden
Monument: 0804800000 Beam End Cottage, Church Road, Penn (Monument)Post-medieval domestic features found during a watching brief at Beam End Cottage
Monument: 0082700000 BEAMOND MANOR (Monument)Historical record of medieval to post-medieval Beamonds manor
Find Spot: 0036500001 BEC HOUSE, BLEDLOW (Find Spot)Roman pottery found in garden
Building: 1026400000 BEAM COTTAGE, LOWER CHURCH STREET (Building)Early seventeenth century timber-framed house, built about 1600
Monument: 0082701000 BEAMOND MANOR (Monument)Seventeenth century record of a fishery in Beamond manor
Monument: 0036500000 BEC HOUSE, BLEDLOW (Monument)Scatter of Neolithic to Bronze Age flint artefacts, Roman and medieval pottery and post-medieval pottery and glass found in garden