Record Search
Monument: 0048201000 500M WSW OF PARISH CHURCH (Monument)Possible twelfth to thirteenth century motte recorded in survey
Monument: 0552700000 500M.W.OF FLEETMARSTON FARM (Monument)Roman, medieval and post-medieval pottery and medieval metalwork found in field walking and possible enclosure ditches and pits identified by geophysical survey and subsequent evaluation.
Find Spot: 0552700001 500M.W.OF FLEETMARSTON FARM (Find Spot)Roman pottery found in field walking
Find Spot: 0552700002 500M.W.OF FLEETMARSTON FARM (Find Spot)Medieval pottery found in field walking
Find Spot: 0048200001 500M WSW OF PARISH CHURCH (Find Spot)Medieval pottery recovered from possible motte when it was bulldozed
Find Spot: 0552700003 500M.W.OF FLEETMARSTON FARM (Find Spot)Post-medieval pottery found in field walking
Find Spot: 0552700005 500M.W.OF FLEETMARSTON FARM (Find Spot)Fourteenth or fifteenth century metalwork found in field walking
Monument: 0048200000 500M WSW OF PARISH CHURCH (Monument)Possible windmill mound known from field survey, now thought to be a medieval motte
Find Spot: 0552700004 500M.W.OF FLEETMARSTON FARM (Find Spot)Possible Roman quern found in field walking
Monument: 0173600000 500YDS S OF IVINGHOE BEACON (Monument)Bronze Age round barrow recorded in field survey